Mickey Haverin [Tribute Form]

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GAMES - Scream: Camp Wattpad [Hosted by CAKersey]

Name: Mickey "Mick" Haverin

Age: 18

Sex: Male

Appearance: Mickey very often draws attention to himself, and very often do those attentive individuals take note of his physicalities. When they take in his whole person, they note that he is very much whole, a bit plump around the edges and thick in the cheeks. He stands at an average height for men his age, if not a little under the mark, and he's usually wrapped himself up in various soft t-shirts and sweaters. Most people find themselves staring at his face more than anything, though, a face that's almost always pressed with some goofy expression or dramatically distant brown-eyed stares (which usually precedes a subtle shading). He keeps his hair cut close to his head - letting it grow out would be a mess that he just doesn't want to deal with at all, really. 

Personality: Mickey, by no means, enjoys being called Mickey in full, and when asked usually just sticks to plain old Mick (because he is not here for none of those Disney jokes, not today, Satan). So let's begin again: Mick is a very "out there" individual, and he's very much proud of himself and (most of) his actions. He may be loud, yes, and he may also be unintentionally witty and comedic and pretty much the queen of everything, but that doesn't mean he's any better or worse than the next flamboyant male figure. In fact, he's got an exceptionally strong sense of practicality and being petty. Still, he can't help but admit that he can be a bit of an attention whore - excuse his language ("excuse me" not to be mistaken with "I won't do it again") - and tends to spill tea on too frequent of a basis. He also laughs at his own jokes.

Brief Background: He's a momma's boy and he isn't ashamed of that. That woman has done nothing but love and provide for him and they've got a bond closer than two fingers crossed one over the other. Miss Haverin may be doing it all on her own, but she's damn good at it, assuring the best for her son and making sure he's aware of that fact. Now that he's a legal adult, they often kick back on the couch at night and clink their glasses of cheap wine together while watching reruns of some overrated reality show and making fun of whoever they so please. These nights are often, given that Mick's decided to take a gap year before starting university (since he doesn't have any definite clue of what he wants to do with, y'know, his whole entire future, and nobody is ready for that sleepless adult life, hunty). 

Other: He's owns Titanic on VHS and DVD and nearly his entire playlist consists of a variety of Lady Gaga, Adele, and Celine Dion songs. 

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