Task 4 - Arts & Crafts [MH]

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It took a good minute for the others to finish their circular congregation down by the bonfire, but once they'd completed their session of explanation, the Oak Cabin was as alive as ever. The only unfamiliar feel was that of melancholy, of weariness, and of the thickest inklings of fear flowing through the open cracks between each and every floorboard. Mick was particularly numb to the others shambling around through their duffel bags: his eyes were cast to the wall as he lay atop his bunk, ears plugged with Lady Gaga's greatest hits. Y'know, to drown out his inevitable doom and whatnot. He would poker face his way to the edge of glory.

He got to thinking, a little bit. About how Momma hadn't even the slightest clue he was boiling here, in this cabin, far too close to a dead body than any young man should be. About how Momma was back in their small house, legs kicked up on the brown sofa with summer heat blowing in through an open window. She'd always joked about getting Mick to fix the AC. But she was playin' if she thought that would ever happen. No, she'd just sit there, all content with a bowl of some salty snack at her side, as she let the day's light glisten in and her sock-ladden feet rest upon the coffee table while watching The View or Dr. Phil or any other relatively dramatic show in which gossip was dished or developed. Once, she'd walked around the house saying "cash me ousside, how bouh dah?" for a whole week straight (followed by immediate hysterics on her end and Mick running to his personal space as soon as it commenced).

Now he was kinda wishing he'd stopped running away so much. This hole, this was what it felt to be homesick - a severe case of it, anyways - and it was a hole that could not simply be fixed by inviting some mildly attractive male into his arms (which typically didn't happen regardless).

He missed his momma.

But a mildly attractive male tried to fill that gap anyways.

so lyke ove the interfcom of Camp Azkeban (whch somewhore still worked dont ask me binch) there was an annoiuncement - not a denouncement bc that's whar they do in like the pope palace and whatnot and mick knew he didn't sign up for no bible camp bc he'd be denounced day 1 and he was still here - and it was like "errybody get yo tiny asses outside!! Even tho like seven kids are deD insnails we're gonna have fun!! Hip hip hooray for satan xoxo!"

so all the traumatized kiddos, yung and old (like carl) walked their shaky lil legs outside and crowded around the undebatably hottest male at camp alcatraz and ain't nobody gonna tell mick otherwise bc jeremy doesn't even begin to compete with perry but like he might now bc perry ain't in kansas anymore,,, ,

Perry was just talking his big ole heart out but it was all monotone like someone who worked at the fast food drive-thru and really hated their job and just,,,wanted to get fired but little did anybody know, perry was fired! Fired up for some arts & crafts amiright!!! (and fired in the blazing pits of hell but nobody needed to know that)

so they're all ushered into the room like lil schoolchildren with bad attitudes but they get lil dolls that look like them and mick is like,,,,um,,,,i'm not here to play barbies hunty and perry turns his head all the way around and is like "you're gonna play barbies and you're gonna like it" and mick raises his hands in surrender like okay dude okay dude i'll play barbies

but then these dolls (which looked like lilo's doll from lilo n stitch btw) started rising up from the table as though adele just came out with another new album (and mick was like "same") but then they got these lil sewing needles and sharp pencils and started chasin each other acorss the table like they were outta kill each other (and mick was like "same") and then the ethan doll stabbed another doll that mick pretended was a seven doll bc he was still bitter (and mick was like "same") but someone else in the room started bleeding and near-death was not a good look on them??

And perry was kinda just watchig like the lil shit he has become like fight fihgt fight and a doll came for mick - a doll CAME for mick - and he was like not today, satan and bitch slapped that thing away but then he felt a sting on his cheek like ouch damn yikes and then i guess at some point somebody stopped the dolls and all they made camp azeban great again

im so sorry 

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