Niclas Cole [Tribute Form]

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GAMES - Author Games: Ascend [Hosted by HeadOnJackwards] 

Name: Niclas Cole

Age: 17

Gender: Male

District: Four; Fishing

Appearance: Flesh and bone is thick and strong, accustomed to strenuous activity and the weight of an entire body. Every bit of him rests upon calloused feet, and every bit of him has been darkened considerably by the sun, something hardly noticed beating overhead anymore. No matter how much sun he gets, though, it never seems to bleach his hair; the thick head of it has always been a chestnut brown, the same as his eyes, and tends to droop over his forehead no matter what he does (granted, he's always messing it up in the water). Nonetheless, his build and stature leaves strangers unabashed, for the sight of his toothy grin and those ears sticking out (something inherited from his dad) is nothing less than inviting. In short, he is a physical stereotype of his district. He's okay with that.

Personality: Niclas, at his core, is pretentious, and most definitely comes across as such in basic conversation. But while his pride may be a striking characteristic, he also takes responsibility and has a deeply ingrained sense of passion about various basic activities and ideals. Familial values, for one, are centric to his lifestyle, and persistence is a practice he's worked hard to perfect. Still, despite his passion - and compassion - he finds he has a difficult time working on one task at a time, at pooling all of his concentration into one exact thing. Impatience dictates he take action without analyzing the situation first or putting thought into the consequences, and though he's knowledgeable on survival skills, he has very little booksmarts. That hardly matters to him, though; so long as he remains nature-oriented, Niclas believes he'll be okay. It's helped him thus far - from letting him practice navigating the stars to simply bringing him peace of mind.

Background: Niclas is bred from victors, and he is fully aware of this fact. First, his uncle - victor at seventeen and again at twenty-six - and then his father, who was fortunate enough to only've gone in once. Those two have been central to his upbringing, especially the former, before his death less than a decade ago. Thankfully for the strong support system that his family is, the grieving process wasn't crippling; his older sister, Adoxx, made sure of that, and for the younger Kurt, he had to keep himself straight-backed - to cheer the kid up and all. All that aside, life has been easy, food always on the table, and a sense of security amongst households. It can swiftly be stated that the calmest of the Coles is Niclas - and because of this, he's proved to have the steadiest hand in the healing practice he's joined recently. Still needs to work on his concentration.

Weapon of Choice: A spear; if not that, a machete. If he wants to get all deep and cliche, though, he'd say tenacity - nothing frustrates an opponent more than simply getting back up and not dying.

Tribute Token: He's opted to bring a small compass. It would've given him an advantage...if the needle wasn't broken.

Soul Beast: Sea Turtle 

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