Final Note on Nora Belasco

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Because the finale provided enough closure on this kiddo, I will not be writing another "ending beforehand" thing, which, y'know, good news for me since I won't be tempted to procrastinate this. 

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2nd Place

You guys have no idea how much I love Nora. Like, in terms of the favoritism I have for my children, she would rank a solid third or fourth, around Moira, Kassia, and Percy. I really don't have a whole lot to share here. I know that as I was writing her finale, the fact that she was experiencing her own form of freedom by driving off in a stolen mustang, it kind of has a particular nostalgia for me personally since my dad used to have one of those (not stolen as far as I'm aware), and as I was writing that scene, it was a nice sensory reflection, I guess. That, and she's got the tough, rockish vibes that my grandpa had when he was still here, so she's a meld of very specific bits of my childhood. But that's just me getting all rambly and oversharing. 

What I will say is that I do plan to give her her own novel, alongside Moira Holiday. It'll be called, aptly, Moira & Nora, and it sticks with the superhero theme and you may see a lot of the scenes from her entries in that actual story. So, yeah! That's all I had left to say about her - it's not the last we see so I don't need to keep going on. 

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