Corradhin Cole [Tribute Form]

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Author Games: Breath of Life

Synopsis: Blood is thicker than water, we know; it falls by the blade, taints the snow. The one to shed it can do all of two things: they can break one's skin, or break their own.

Character Name: Corradhin Cole

Gender: Male

Age: 18

District: Four; Fishing

Physical Appearance: Corradhin's looks are completely separate from those of his ancestors save for the dark chestnut curls atop his head and eyes of a similar deep color indicative of his surname. Otherwise, he is his own man; instead of taking up the narrow build, his shoulders are broad, chest wide and strong, arms thick with trained muscles folded one over the other. His face is also wide, but sharp along its edges, and taut with paleness. The unruly mess atop his head could be considered attractive, as could the thin tilt of his brows whenever an emotion flits across his face. Sometimes they arch and bend to fit the will of his temper, and his lips will follow suit; a tall stature, upon standing to his full height, paired with this expression is one that might unintentionally intimidate. Most of the time, however, his face is flat and drawn, dark circles hanging under those big brown eyes, lids pulled to half-mast by the hands of Exhaustion and Grief.

Personality: Corr is not an incredibly difficult man to figure out. He is fueled by hard intensity, of the quick switch from one feeling to the next. Often, he is hot-tempered, quick to light, even uncouth (it's hard to miss that mouth when it begins to run). Not exactly the most charismatic, but not an asshole simply for the sake of being an asshole, either. But the passion that keeps him angry is a passion that provides him with compassion and a protective streak. And while sometimes he may be reckless and not think things through first, he's strong-willed and determined, for no insult and no failure will drag him down, not even teeth in his ankle - the scars of which still remain, by the way. He's ran blind through earthquakes and marched painfully through meadows of poisoned vegetation, all without falter. There are only two names upon his lips that can bring him down and one of those names was the one to do it the first time. All in all, although he is a boy who sheds blood, he is also a boy with a pulse, run ragged with the harsh and lovely beatings of his own heart. A lover and a fighter, but a confused and grieving one at that.

Past: Corr's life began far before the thought of its conception, predestination put into place by his great uncle, the first of his lineage to enter - and win - the games. He knows little of those early times, and never managed to meet his uncle Percy before his assassination, but what he does know comes from old recordings and his still-somehow-breathing grandfather, Nigel. He knows not to be bitter but feels it anyhow; he knows not to seek vengeance yet seeks it anyhow. His father, Kurt, and late mother, Ainsley (a victim of sickness), knew the stakes at hand, and had his grandfather train him to the best of his ability. In a general sense, Corr has never been too close to his father, not after the passing of his mother, and has instead sought understanding in Nigel, who's been willing to give it. The rest of the family details are quite simple: he has an aunt, Adoxx, whom he's met only once or twice, and knows she runs an orphanage in the district and raises four children of her own. His job is taking care of the old man and the other old man in the Victor's Village, privileged and fed, but always carrying on with the knowledge that he does not deserve it that way. Life, in that sense, has been fairly simple.

That is, before Beckett. Best friends from childhood, Beckett Malen and Corradhin Cole wound around one another's fingers like the thin ropes weaved to make the bracelets they entered their games with. Beck gave him a sense of purpose, of belonging, of morality and ethics - Beckett taught Corr what humanity meant, and that meant the world. It meant so much that, upon a courier's false accusations, he would unlawfully attack just to keep that friend of his protected. Then came cowardice, betrayal. For some time after that, they refused to speak to one another, but, contrary to popular belief, they came to forgive one another in their own complex ways, ways that were sometimes confusing, sometimes clear. They left on a bad note before Beckett was reaped into the games, though, and Corr had to watch as the government tortured him in all sorts of horrific ways - Corr had to watch as they exploited his own feelings and handwriting to bring Beck to his knees. And he was so close, oh so close to coming home, but instead sacrificed himself to save a young boy. Empathetic bastard.

The year following this, Corradhin let the grief and anger drive him to volunteering, and in his own games found himself blinded by a vengeance that would literally blind him temporarily. He wanted someone to pay - but there was no one. The rest of the details are hazy. He remembers henbane and a quiet flame falling to the sea. That's all.

Strengths: He hates to admit it, but the Cole name is a recognized one, and this puts him ahead of the game. Being from Four also has its natural benefits - swimming, fishing, all the standard skills. His unavailability for failure has to be the best thing he has with him, and to be honest to ones' own allies means to be trusted in return. Why lie when his life's already been splayed out for the world to see, anyhow?

Weaknesses: Though Corr has been trained in a great many areas, his fallacies lie, surprisingly, in weaponry. He's a horrible shot, so anything long-ranged is out of the question, so combat is usually his go-to - unlucky, if his opponent is armed. Additionally, he's never quite sure how to express his emotions, usually converting this confusion into reckless behavior and a hot temper. His sleep is also restless, plagued by sweat and muttering and sometimes hollering, which might attract unwanted guests. This is why he needs allies - to be woken from this vulnerable state.

Other: As a token, he'll be bringing in the same woven bracelet he took to his first games and that Beckett took to his as well. On the topic of weapons, we'll keep him with the comfort of his machetes and his own strength. 

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