Eloise Edith Kovach [Tribute Form]

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The Fifth Annual Writer Games: The Fall

Name: Eloise Edith Kovach 

Age: 18

District: Two

Sex: Female

Physical Description: Ellie is not like her counterparts from One; she is not built of porcelain and pretty china, but stone and rock. Her jaw is strong and body stronger, toned from both daily tasks and training. She is not smooth edges and curves, either, but bone poking out of the skin. Her elbows and knuckles and knees are sharp, and anywhere that might jut will jut. Perhaps the roundest parts about her are a nose, lips, and the wavy demeanor of her hair, a rich brown parted down the middle and handed down by her parents like many other hand-me-downs in the Kovach family. Her skin is often calloused, skin that takes on a deeper undertone but still manages to keep itself pale. But while Eloise does happen to take on the qualities most akin to a rock, she is neither rough nor grey, is often seen smiling at something or nothing at all, and her brown eyes are always full of unwarranted enthusiasm.

Personality: Though living in the mountains often leaves people cold and bitter, Ellie lives warmly and comfortably, and radiates these traits to those she meets. If you were to join her in conversation, you would find that she speaks in a voice more high-pitched than you'd expect, which always lilts with exasperated amusement, no matter what she's talking about. She also tsks a lot, but in good humor; she is not mean or calloused or cruel, and holds no bitterness towards the Capitol. She is loyal to those she meets in much the same way, and those she meets are always appreciative of her enthusiasm towards any task. An intelligent and hard worker, filled with ambition and the desire to please her parents by winning the Games. Her mother was horrified, at first, but then she warmed up to the idea. Albeit, despite Ellie's better traits, she can be a bit arrogant and self-centered at times, and once she has an idea, it's hard to get her to forget it, even if it does more harm than good.

Background: Eloise has been forged out of Two, through and through. She lives in the mountains, situated in a large outlying "village" centering around a stone quarry, like much of the District. Because of the topography, it is not always easy to navigate the area, much less travel to other hubs, but nevertheless, the idea of remaining loyal to the Capitol has always circulated freely - and why shouldn't they? They don't starve, and their homes are rather nice, always kept warm despite the cold altitudes. Her parents were sympathizers during the rebellion, and she recalls kindness from Peacekeepers whenever they were hosted at their home (she's never quite gotten over having to give up her room for five men, though).

Still, Ellie's home is a small one where the Kovach family thrives best. Her father had been an aspiring Peacekeeper, but was never able to follow his pursuits during the rebellion due to an untreated case of severe carpal tunnel. Instead, he's decided to make himself as close to one as he can get: he serves as the village's personal tattle-tale, always staring deeply into the visor of a white helmet as he whispers the latest about possible rebel activity from the quarry workers who come out of the mines exhausted at day's end. It isn't difficult for him to keep track of gossip. He is also a horn-blower in the morning and afternoon to signify when the laborers are meant to enter and leave the mine.

Eloise's mother has taken on a more conventional role and runs a small blacksmith operation in a building that hangs off their house (she recalls rebels often attempting to purchase weapons only to be ambushed by Capitol soldiers when they least expected, a smile on her mother's face and coin in her palm). She's been trying to teach Ellie the ropes, but her only child's ambitions lie elsewhere; currently, she's found work helping renovate a new Justice Building commissioned by the Capitol down in the main square. For the past month she's been staying at a friend's house just to be able to complete this work. It's brought in a lot more family income though it does cut down on training time.

Reaped/Volunteered: Volunteered. It came as a shock when her parents were mortified with her actions; she thought she'd surprise them with her backwoods training and enthusiasm to join the Capitol's brigade against rebellious ideas. Perhaps she should've seen this coming - ten years ago, they'd had a similar reaction to the mandatory viewings on television. At eight years old, their confliction was confusing to her.

Weapon of Choice: Spears or knives. She is not one for close contact or genuine combat - her training wasn't that intensive, what with the legal questions that would've brought up. Her mom being a blacksmith and all, it wasn't strange to see her practicing spear throws. "Product testing," they called it.

Token: She has a silver ring that was her mother's, engraved with something that's been worn down so much over time that she can't even read what it says.

Other: Ellie has always wanted a little sister. She'll avoid killing younger girls in the arena, if possible. 

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