Task 1 - Cabin Mates [MH]

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Over the course of a five minute walk from the bronzed archway declaring the camp's name all the way to the cluster of four cabins stuck firm into the land, the area had come alive despite the dying sun, not only in the form of lit windows but of sounds, from nocturnal creatures yawning themselves awake to the general hubbub of introductions leaking through the thin walls of each humble abode. Upon arriving, Mick hadn't considered the thought of having to deal with several dozen other individuals, all likely snotty and prone to tears. Only now did it strike him that he'd be sharing the summer with children - and Mick was not a fan of children.

"You know, I think I'd be fine just walking home," he said, speaking through the corner of his mouth to Perry. "If you look the other way I'll run quick."

"I'm sure you would," replied Perry, "but I'm not ready to be fired, and we're already at your cabin." The delicate man propped his foot up on a step and glanced down at Mickey, who had to keep reminding himself to stop dragging his suitcase in the dirt. "I'm sure you'll get along just fine with the rest of Oak."

Mickey's face was flat, and he spoke with feigned enthusiasm. "You had me at 'Oak.' I sure do love me some wood." 

"That's the spirit! Now, I suggest you head in and get settled." Perry yanked the door open with a good hard tug; it scratched against the doorframe, and briefly Mick was reminded of his momma's car. He wondered if she was doing okay driving home - she always got a little antsy when it came to driving at night.

The light, too, reminded him of that car, the headlights yellow and glaring. Mick had to blink a few times before sight became bearable. At least he was reassured that his mother'd see just fine in the dark: those headlights were far from dead.

A hand came 'round and patted him on the back, and Mick's back straightened as he came to the revelation that he was both being left with strangers and that another stranger had just given him the pat. A hot stranger, though. So it was okay. Oh my god, he is making moves. He hauled himself up the steps, lugging - not dragging - his bag with him. Physical contact! Which, y'know, I'm sure is illegal, being a camp counsellor and all, but I won't tell a soul if he don't.

By the time he'd finished his thought, the room and its holy light had engulfed him, and all within had come to observe their new roomie while the new roomie in question stood bowed over his suitcase, catching wilderness-infused breath. I am out of shape. Five minute walk and three steps, really?

By the time he finally looked up, he took in, first, the three bunks pushed up against the walls, and second, the four debatably-not-children's-faces staring at him. Defense came easily - "Don't look at me like that. This bag is heavy." He paused, lifted his arm in a weak wave. "But hello. You're all very male and very attractive. I'm going to go home now."

Mick straightened himself out - physically, not sexually - and popped his back, turning to the path from whence he came. He might've made it, too, had another not gently grabbed his shoulder and said, "Hey, wait!"

Naturally, he was inclined to acknowledge this pressing presence, and (reluctantly) turned to face him. The boy was awfully pretty, and clasped his hands together with an angled smile. "We haven't even gotten to know you yet. Really, you oughta stay." When the boy caught sight of Mick's unconvinced expression, he shifted gears. "I mean, it's not like you can leave anyways. Might as well."

Now, while Mick was certainly down to carry on conversation with a handsome and legal-looking twink such as this boy, he wasn't sold. For quite a while he kept his brows raised, biting into his cheek, debating this. If he walked off, he'd be walking for a while - and he was not here for physical activity, hunty. That fact was enough to make him drop the eyebrows and shrug the situation off. What was done was done. He pressed his palm to the top of his luggage and sighed. "Today, Satan wins."

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