Hayes Emory [Character Form]

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Author Games: The Earth Unwary

Synopsis: I'm really just here for the health insurance. It's a nice job, too, I guess.

Alias: Epoch. He did a lot of Googling for it.

Name: Hayes Emory

Age: 24 (Bars refuse to believe him, however.)

Gender: Male, the most manly of men, very macho, oh, yeah. Don't even try to flex on him because he will beat your ass...maybe. Y'know, actually, the pacifist thing treats him very well-

Division: Research and Development

Time With SHADR: Two years, going on three here in a few weeks. Several weeks. Okay, in six months. Two years and six months. That's his answer.

Citizenship: American (Illinois, to be precise. Nobody asked.)


—B.S. in Biology, Concentration in Ecology & Evolution (Wake Forest University)

—Recently began a B.S. in Physics (online, and at the consistent recommendation of the lovely and quite proddy Dr. Etienam)

—He also has his CPR Certification so if you're ever choking on an entire eggroll or something, he's got your back. Literally.

Appearance: While he would describe himself as "sometimes hot but in a casual way when I'm not being self-deprecating but when I am being self-deprecating, very gross," one can just settle with: he has a nice face. He does look a bit tired even after excessive amounts of sleep, but that may just be genetic? Aside from that, he looks much younger than his actual age, and for many reasons. His face is softer-looking than it should be, face barren of any hint of facial hair, and he stands at an impressive height of 5'4". The hair does add another half an inch, usually swept back in dirty blonde waves above his forehead. What he lacks in height, however, he makes up for in enthusiasm, at least, when he doesn't have that blank, dead-panned, "I'm going to punch you if you look at me" sort of expression on his face that he doesn't realize he has but just sort of does. There's also a sleeve of tattoos running up his upper left arm, but he hides that away because professionalism. It's cool, though. Very cool.

Personality: The first thing he'll probably tell you when you get into a real conversation with him is that his first degree was utterly useless because this program doesn't even want him for his extensive knowledge on bird evolution. The first thing you'll probably realize is that he talks too much. That's fine by him, though; he enjoys interacting, even if he's the only one paying attention to himself, and he'll always try to turn a situation around with humor. Most of the time, he's talking to himself, and has taken on a habit of muttering under his breath as he does any sort of task whatsoever. His ability and general background has also led him to obsessively prepare. His room is covered in planners, he's got backup routes for every situation, and it's safe to say that he's not much of a risk taker outside of the facility. Call him paranoid if you will, but he always says better safe than sorry. Despite that, he works hard at what he does and invests himself wholly in whatever it is. Oh, and he's also very defensive of his masculinity. That, and he can be pretty selfish at times - what can he say? That competitive streak gets the best of him.

Metahuman Abilities: Aside from having an impressive skill at being able to whip out either pepper spray or a taser within a millisecond, you could say that his abilities are a bit...spooky. To scientists and conspiracy theorists alike. Really, they should've just sat down and talked to him like civil people instead of nabbing him out of the interview chair and putting him on immediate lockdown for being able to conduct interdimensional travel. (Don't worry, they came around.) To be precise with the range of what he can do, sometimes he may just, y'know, casually find himself in another dimension, in an alternate universe, in times that've already happened but differently, and in times yet to come. Different times, different possibilities, different worlds. Additionally, by being able to dematerialize and re-materialize in another location, you could say he's got a cool teleportation trick. However, despite his free plane ticket to literally anywhere in the universe, he can only exert an impact on this one; in other dimensions, he's no more than a watching shadow. A really major downside to this, other than being nabbed by people with big brains and big wallets, is that sometimes he'll unexpectedly slip out of this dimension and into another. That was really inconvenient when he was trying to get his first degree. And on many dates. And when he was trying to get milk at the grocery store last week.

He also likes to stress that the result of his month-long self-defense training can be considered a metahuman ability, but nobody listens to him.

Other: If you don't mind awkward tangents, having a full conversation only to turn around and find that the person you were talking to has literally fallen into the eighth dimension, or topping, please approach him. And not "please" to be polite; "please" out of desperation. He's frustrated. Bring a condom and snacks. 

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