Not a Mean Wolf- OT8 🪷

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Chris met 7 other boys at a playground, he tried to talk and play with them but they wouldn't let him play because he looked mean. Chris felt sad and hid himself under a slide crying softly, thinking no one could hear. But one little boy did.

"Mommy! Can I go to the slides!?" Chris asked his mother eagerly.

His mother giggled, "Alright go ahead, don't go anywhere else but the playground. I'll be here with your siblings." Chris smiled and let go of her hand as she sat on a wooden bench.

Chris ran over to the large playset before climbing up a rock wall making it to a yellow slide. "Mommy mommy! Look at how fast I can go!" He called out for her, waiting for her attention to be put on him before he pushed himself down the slide giggling as he did.

As he reached the bottom, he set his feet on the ground standing up to look back at his mother. "Wasn't I REALLY fast mom!?" He asked.

"So fast I couldn't see you baby!" She smiled at her child before going back to aiding the youngest in her arms.

Chris ran to the other side for the opportunity of another slide, but another opportunity showed. An opportunity to make friends! A group of boys were stood in some sort of huddle, their heads put together in the middle. Chris obviously was curious and had to know what they were doing.

"Hello! I'm Christopher, I'm nine years old, and that's my mom over there!" The boys looked to him then over to his mother whom he had pointed over to.

"My mom says it's bad to point at others." One said, a couple others nodded in agreement.

"Oh.. well I promise to not point at others from now on!" He smiled and held out his pinky to them. But none of them accepted.

"Is there anything else?" Another asked. "Uhmm.. oh yeah! Can we be friends!?" Chris asked happily.

"Sorry, but our group is full. There are other people to be friends with." And with that they all dispersed all over the playground leaving Chris standing alone.

It's alright... I just have to try harder! It probably just because they barely know me too.

He thought looking around as they all ran around. "Tag you're it!" "Yellow is safe!" "Hyunjin! I said no tag backs!"

Hyunjin?.. He looked around for where the voice came from. The one who had whined wore a bright yellow and white Striped shirt and dark jeans overalls with a sun stitched onto the middle pocket and a yellow bucket hat.

The one he was yelling at wore a white shirt partially tucked into his shorts, bright orange sunglasses rested atop his messy hair, he also had bright orange shoes.

"You never said that Jisung!" Hyunjin yelled back.


"I did too!"

"Did not!"

"Did too!"

"Did no-"

"Hey let's just play another game, you guys always fight in tag." Another stopped them. His face was sprinkled in freckles, he wore a blue tee with a denim button up, He had sweat shorts and long socks that just reached his calf.

"Well what game?" Hyunjin asked crossing his arms.

"I dunno." He ended up shrugging.

"Hey I know a game to play! I can tell you if you let me play with you!" Chris said smiley.

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