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Harry didn't sit on Louis' lap this time. He mumbled something about being tired and went straight to the bunk beds after a fast toothbrush session. Louis knew he really fucked up. Things were weird between them now.

He decided to go to bed as well and got ready. When he was about to climb into his own bunkbed a soft voice interrupted him.
"No cuddle tonight?"

Louis looked down at Harry. The boy was biting his lower lip shyly looking adorable and sexy at the same time.

"Yeah, yeah. Of course. I wasn't sure you wanted that after..." Louis didn't finish the sentence. He dragged a hand through his hair and sighed.

Harry moved closer to the wall and opened his cover for Louis with a smile. Louis jumped into bed and nuzzled closer.
"I can't fall asleep without you, Lou." Harry mumbled and made sure Louis had his arm around him.

"Sweet dreams, baby. I'm here." Louis whispered fondly and closed his eyes to fall asleep.

"Two more shows to go before I can see my family! Yeehaa!" Niall shouted and Liam threw a pillow at him for waking them up.

"Shut up, Niall!" Zayn growled and turned to face the wall.

Louis chuckled and pulled his crotch back so he wouldn't poke Harry's behind. Harry stirred and pushed his bum back. He rubbed against Louis' crotch and Louis gripped his hip. Harry let out a giggle.

"Don't do that princess if you're not ready to face the consequences." Louis mumbled.

Harry stopped moving and drew in a sharp breath.

"Yeah, just what I thought." Louis snorted.

He rolled out of bed and headed for the toilet to take care of the growing problem in his boxers.

They were in Copenhagen preparing for the show before they could go home to London and play one last show there. They hadn't been home in England for months.

Harry had a mischievous grin on his lips the whole day and he did everything in his power to tease Louis. In the middle of the show, he managed to pour a water bottle over him. Louis had a hard time holding his hands to himself and Harry knew it.

After the show, they both rushed to their joined dressing room. Louis closed the door behind them and they stared at each other. Neither of them spoke at first.

"Baby, you've misbehaved again tonight." Louis finally whispered. His eyes never left Harry's.

"Yeah, what do you wanna do about it?" Harry smirked.

"So many things." Louis mumbled and licked his lips. Harry's eyes followed his every move.

"Spank me?" Harry whimpered.

"Do you want me to?" Louis questioned.

What were they doing? This was so freaking hot and weird! Since when did two friends spank each other? This was just wrong but such a turn-on. Louis had a hard time containing himself.

Harry nodded his head and Louis stopped breathing for a second. What? Harry actually wanted him to spank him? Oh my fucking God!
"Pants down. Lean over the armrest."

Harry blinked a couple of times with his mouth hung open. Then he turned around and walked over to the couch. Was he actually doing this? Louis couldn't believe it! He took a few hesitating steps closer. Harry turned his head and gave him a dirty look before he opened his pants and pushed them down and leaned over the couch.

Louis drew in a heated breath from the sight of Harry's bare ass right in front of him. Harry wiggled his bum impatiently. Right. Spanking. Harry wanted him to spank him. Louis felt like he was about to combust just from the thought of it.
"Hurry before the guys come barging in." Harry mumbled.

That made Louis spring into action. He wouldn't let this opportunity slip away. He had been fantasizing about it for so long. What it actually meant for him and Harry's friendship was a thought he pushed aside. Nothing wrong with a little spanking among best friends, right?

Louis was hypnotized by Harry's glorious ass and stepped up behind him. He ran his hand over one of Harry's ass cheeks and squeezed it. Harry whimpered.
"You've been naughty, princess. I'm gonna smack you five times as punishment and I want you to count. Okay, baby?" Louis cooed.

Harry nodded his head eagerly.
Louis lifted his right hand and waited a second before he let his palm smack down on Harry's cheek. The sound was amazing and he watched how Harry's ass jiggled from the slap.

Harry let out a loud moan before he breathed out "One."

"Fuck!" Louis growled. This was better than any fantasy he'd ever had.

He raised his hand again and smacked Harry's other cheek a little bit harder this time. Harry moaned again and rocked his body back and forth. "Two! Again!"

Louis was rock-hard in his pants. He stroke Harry's cheeks before he slapped the left one first and then the right one directly afterward. He slapped them hard and Harry cried out. "Fuck! three, four."

Harry was panting hard. His ass cheeks were slightly red and Louis loved it. He opened his jeans and stepped closer. He pressed his boxer-clothed boner against Harry's ass while he slapped him one last time, the hardest he ever slapped him so far.

Harry's whole body jolted up and he let out an obscene sound that tipped Louis over the edge and he came in his boxers with a moan. From the sound of it, so did Harry.
"Five." Harry finally whispered out of breath.

Louis looked down at Harry's red cheeks and dragged a hand over them to try and soothe the redness. He came to his senses and took a step back and blushed. That just happened. They just did that and they both got off from it. How was he supposed to look Harry in the eyes now?

Harry got up from the couch and pulled up his jeans and boxers. He turned around to face Louis. His cheeks were red and his eyes were glossy.
"Thank you. That I'll misbehave more often from now on." Harry winked.

Louis' mouth fell open.

"Definitely." Harry grinned.

"Good." Louis couldn't help but say.

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