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They arrived at home and Louis paid the taxi driver before they climbed out of the car. As soon as they walked into their apartment Louis locked the door.
"Bedroom. Undress. Keep the boxers on. Lay on your back. Now." He said with his back turned to Harry.

"Lou..." Harry said in a soft voice. He couldn't shake the feeling that something wasn't right.

Louis turned around and stared him down.

Harry stared back without a word but turned around after a while and walked to his bedroom. Louis sighed and slipped his fingers through his hair. He could do this. God, he really wanted to do this! He hurried over to Harry's room. The gorgeous boy was on his back on the bed in his boxers. The sight took his breath away. He stayed in the doorway and stared. Harry looked amused.
"Are you just gonna stand there?"

Louis shook his head to clear his mind and started to take off his clothes as he walked over to the bed.
"I'm not gonna spank you tonight. I'm gonna mark you so no one else touches you. That's your punishment."

Harry drew in a breath.
"Yeah, okay. Do it."

He seemed to like the idea so Louis decided to really go for it. He climbed into bed and straddled him. He could feel Harry's semi-hard cock against his ass and it turned him on. He caressed Harry's chest with one hand, feeling his muscles play underneath his hand. Harry was so fit his mouth watered.

Harry watched him curiously, wanting to see what he was up to. Louis leaned down slowly and lay on top of Harry. He attached his lips to his collarbone and started to suck hard. Harry's breath hitched and he threw his head back with a whimper. Louis used his lips, teeth, and tongue to create a lovebite. Harry's hand came up to cradle the back of Louis' head.

When he was satisfied with the bruise he had created Louis blew on it and came up to make a new one on Harry's neck. Their crotches rubbed together and Harry buckled his hips and grabbed a handful of Louis' bum. They moaned simultaneously.

Louis made another lovebite on Harry's neck and blew on that as well. Harry's neck was covered in goosebumps and he let out a breathy, soft moan.

Louis brushed his lips against Harry's ear.
"Is this okay?" He whispered.

"Yeah." Harry breathed out.

Their cheeks brushed against each other and Louis sucked on Harry's earlobe. Harry let out a soft "Aaah."

Their mouths were inches apart and neither of them moved away. They were both holding the air in. Louis moved his mouth over Harry, brushing his lips with his own. Harry still had a hand on the back of Louis' head and he pushed him down so their lips pressed together. They started to kiss softly.

They both forgot how to breathe. It felt like the time stood still. Then Harry licked Louis' lower lip, asking for entrance and they both drew in a heated breath at the same time. They opened their mouths and deepened the kiss. They both moaned when their tongues touched for the first time.

The kiss soon became more heated, almost feverish. Louis couldn't believe how absolutely amazing it actually was to kiss Harry. The hair on his arms was standing up and he had goosebumps all over his body. Not to mention, he was rock-hard.

When they eventually broke free to catch their breaths Louis started to kiss down Harry's jaw and neck. Harry pressed his erection against Louis and whined.
"Lou... please..."

"Use your words, baby." Louis looked up at Harry and couldn't resist it. He had to kiss him again.

Harry immediately kissed him back. He started to pull Louis' boxers down and Louis broke the kiss and locked eyes. "What...?"

"I just want to touch you. Help you out. Can I? Will you do the same for me?" Harry asked with a tremble in his voice. He looked insecure, like he was asking for too much.

Louis gulped. That sounded absolutely perfect!
"Yeah, I'd love that."

Louis rolled off Harry and lay on his side facing him. They looked each other in the eyes while they pushed their boxers down. They slowly reached down at the same time and took hold of each other's cocks. They let out breathless moans from the feeling of their hands on each other's private parts.

Louis looked into Harry's blown pupils. His eyes were dark from lust. Louis thought that he had never looked more sexy or beautiful before.

He slowly started to move his hand and Harry closed his eyes in pleasure. He started to move his hand as well and Louis choked from the feeling. He crashed their lips together again and moaned into the kiss. They kissed sloppily while they speeded up their movements. Harry moved his thumb over Louis' tip to smear out the pre-cum and Louis copied his action.

That sent them into a frenzy and they started to rut their hips and tried to get closer to each other. They were both moaning loudly and broke free from the kissing. Harry came first and Louis opened his eyes to witness it.
Harry's eyes were closed and he threw his head back and opened his mouth to let out a moan that made Louis climax as well.

They helped each other through their orgasms and sprayed cum everywhere but they couldn't care less. They were both panting hard, still coming down from their highs. Harry finally opened his eyes and gazed at Louis.
"That was awesome."

Louis' face lit up in a smile.
"Yeah, it was."

"I would like to do that again." Harry said and blushed.

"Now?" Louis smirked.

Harry laughed.
"Maybe not right now but soon. If you're up for it?" He suddenly looked shy.

"Are you kidding me? Of course!" Louis grinned.

"Good. Now I'm gonna take a quick shower. I'm sticky." Harry winked and rolled out of bed.

Louis looked down on himself. There was cum everywhere. He started to giggle. Harry turned around with a smile on his face.

"It's everywhere!" He burst out laughing instead and Harry joined him after he had looked down on his own body.
"Yeah, well, we were excited." He winked.

Harry proceeded to walk over to the bathroom.
"We're sleeping in your room. Hit the shower!" He shouted over his shoulder.

"Yeah, can I join you?" Louis retorted.

Harry stopped in his tracks.

Louis sat up.

Harry turned around and rolled his eyes with a smile. "Come on."

Louis jumped out of bed and hurried over. They spent five minutes in the shower together before they started to kiss again. They didn't know who initiated it but they didn't care. Half an hour later they had helped each other get off again and managed to get clean as well.

They climbed into Louis' bed together after they brushed their teeth in separate bathrooms. They were both tired and it was late. Harry was the little spoon as always. Louis gave him a light peck on the head and murmured a "Goodnight, baby" before he drifted off to sleep. Harry let out a content sigh and fell asleep as well.

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