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December 21st, 2005 - 2:00 am
(Gore details)
-"I killed him, no need to cause a scene" Hope said to Harry as she smiled
Hope sat down next to Bill with Rilyn on her right side. A guys sudden walks up to where everyone is.
-"Hey, I wanted to say that you were really beautiful" the guy said
-"Thank you" Hope said
-"what's your name" the guy said
-"Hope, you?" Hope said holding her cigarette to her mouth

-" Alex" The guy said. Alex had dark brown wavy hair, hazel eyes, over all he was attractive.
Alex held his hand out for Hope because in his mind he wanted to hook up and Hope took his hand. Bill was upset and was jealous. Hope then stopped and shot him in the head, no know saw anything or cared because everyone was drunk and high. Hope eventually came back and sat down.

-"Did you do anything with that guy?" Bill asked
-"No, he's dead" Hope said
-"What do you mean?" Bill said confused
-"He's fucking dead, someone shot him right in front of everyone" Hope said drinking her beer. Bill looks over and sees Alex's dead body on the floor.

Time skip
Everyone eventually got bored so everybody went home. Hope headed to her room and changed into baggy sweatpants and a baggy shirt after she went to the bathroom, looking for her box that contained blades, bandages, and other sorts of things. She took the blade, gliding it across her skin creating more scars, she did this four times. After she cleaned her wounds, headed downstairs to the kitchen to grab a bottle of vodka.

Hope began drinking the vodka in her room as she couldn't sleep before you know she finished the whole bottle as well as two cigarettes, Hope was passed out asleep.

The next day, Harry, Greyson, and Rilyn invited Bill and his band members to their house but were concerned about Hope. When Bill and his members arrived, bill asked where Hope was, Harry said they didn't know so Bill went up to Hopes room and saw that she was passed out sleeping with an empty bottle of vodka and cigarettes beside her bed.

It was 4pm and Hope fell asleep at 5am. Harry, Greyson and Rilyn entered and saw what she did yesterday in the early morning.
-"Again seriously?" Harry said
-"Shut up as if you don't drink every fucking day" Greyson said as he went to go wake up Hope

-"Hope get up it's 4pm" Greyson said as Hope turned over continuing to sleep.
-"Hope, get up love" Bill said as Hope started to wake up
-"Drinking again? Seriously Hope!" Harry yelled
-"Shut the fuck up"Hope said as she started looking for pills to help headaches.

-"Get ready, we have an interview in an hour" Rilyn said as Hope nodded. Hope kissed Bill as he left her room. She changed into dark blue baggy jeans and a v neck long sleeve with black and grey stripes with converse and headed to the car to the place where the interview was.

Bill and his band were also getting interviewed with Hope and her sibling so they decided to keep their relationship private and not cause any drama.

-"Welcome back, today we have two popular bands joining us today, Please welcome Everlong and Tokio Hotel" the host said as everyone waved at the audience and sat in the couches.
-"Welcome to the show, introduce yourselves if anyone wants to know" the host said to Hope and her siblings.
-"I'm Hope, I'm the lead singer, I'm Greyson and Im the lead guitarist, I'm Rilyn and I'm the bassist, Im Harry and I play the drums" The band said
-"Let's start shall we? We're gonna begin with how did you guys meet?" The host asked

-"Uh well after one of our shows, we were at a club and they happened to be there so we talked and became friends" Hope said
-"There are rumors that you are releasing a new album" the host said
-"Yes we are releasing a new album soon" Greyson said

-" I have a question for Hope" the host said as Hope nodded
-"You've been seen with different guys, are any of these guys your boyfriend?" the host asked as Hope laughed
-"No none of them are my boyfriend, they were exs and hook ups"Hope said as the host moved on to Bill and his band. The host basically asked about upcoming shows, albums, relationships.

-"My last question goes for Bill and Hope" the host says
-"Are you guys dating? You've been seen with each other a lot in public" The host said as Bill and Hope look at each other

-"We're not dating, we're just close friends" Bill said as Hope nodded
-"If you say so" the host said then he ended the show and everyone left to their own houses. As everyone goes inside, Hope stays outside waiting for a victim.

She sees this girl walking alone so she grabs her and stabs her repeatedly in the stomach and chest where she died from blood loss, she saw this guy coming her way so she shot him in the face twice.

Finally she saw this group of four friends, Hope shot them all and slit their throats repeatedly until they were no longer breathing then she left, went back inside.

922 words

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