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May 20th, 2006
-"We need to talk" Bill said as Hope grew concerned
-"sure" Hope said
-"Listen Hope,I think we should break up" Bill said
-"Why" Hope asked

-"Hope, I know you have been seeing other people"Bill said in a stern tone
-"Bill, I think you're fucking confused" Hope said
-"Oh sure, as if you haven't been caught by paparazzi"Bill said

-"Bill I'm serious" Hope said
-"I'm sorry Hope, we're done" Bill said then he hung up as Hope threw her phone at the her bed.

She was already under a lot of pressure from everything going on and now she's going through a break up. Hope didn't let the break up affect her, after all it's didn't matter much to her after weeks.
Time skip: July 7th, 2006
TW: Drug use and s3lf harm
It's been two months since Bill and Hopes break up, Hope was doing okay but missed him while Bill regrets breaking up with her.

It was three days before Everlong's tour so they decided to go out again. Rilyn and Greyson have been telling Hope to get over him and to move on with someone else but Hope didn't want to hurt Bill but her brother and sister had a point.

They entered the club and split up, Hope immediately went outside to smoke a cigarette, she took out a cigarette but realized she forgot her lighter when she hears someone approach her.
-"Here" It was Tom
-"Thanks" Hope said taking lighter and lit her cigarette
-"Hi Hope"
-"Hey Tom" Hope said blowing smoke from her mouth

-"Hope uh Bill, he wants you back" Tom said as Hope looked at him confused
-"Yeah I'm sure he does" Hope said in sarcastic tone while holding the cigarette to her lips
-"I'm serious" Tom said
-" Hope he truly cares about you and wants to talk to you" Tom continued as Hope agreed to go and talk

Tom held Hopes hand so she wouldn't get lost with the many people there are, when they finally reached Bill all they see is him making out with Rilyn, Bill not even acknowledging that Tom and Hope were there.

-"I'm sorry Hope" Tom said
-"clearly he's moved on" Hope said. She was kinda disappointed knowing that her and Bill wouldn't make up. Hope turned around going to find her brothers as Tom follows her around and he finally get ahold of her hand.

-"Hope I'm truly sorry, I didn't know what he was doing" Tom said
-"Tom, it's okay it's not your fault" Hope said when she felt Tom get closer to her, she looked into Toms eyes as he leaned in as when as Hope when their faces were inches apart from each other, suddenly their lips touched, closing the space between them. They pulled away but rejoined their lips again as Tom slipped his tongue in when a few moments later Hope does the same thing.

Hope instantly pulled away realizing that she kissed her ex boyfriend's brother.
-"I'm sorry, I'm truly sorry but I can't do this" Hope said as she ran from Tom lint she got ahold of her arm. Tom feels guilty knowing that he kissed Hope especially but also didn't.

-"Hope, listen it's okay alright. Look if he can kiss your sister than you can do the same" Tom said as he pulled Hope close to him

Hope eventually finds Greyson when he notices that Hope is tense
-"Hey are you okay?" He asked worried but Hope don't say anything which meant she was mad but he figured out why Hope was mad.
-"You saw Bill and Rilyn kissing?" He said as Hope looked at him directly in the eyes

Eventually they go home and Hope is upset about the situation but she decides to take a shower, as she washed her hair she couldn't get the kiss out of her mind knowing that it will cause more friction.

She dresses herself in black shorts and a baggy shirt that covers her shorts to which then she grabs a bottle of tequila from downstairs and drinks it on the couch as she lights cigarettes, she makes two lines of coke to which then she begins to inhale them both wiping any powder or blood from her

Hope drank herself to sleep as she always does when she makes a mistake.There was no point of talking to him since the next day she would leave for tour and return in September but would only have a week before leaving again.

888 words

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