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January 1st, 2007.
      The last show for their album "Sacred" as they would go back home to work on new music but also do normal things like school.

On January 2nd, the school dance was announced or the Winter Formal. Everyone was purchasing tickets to go including Hope and her friends.

Hope was being quiet than usual and just grabbed her books for her next class form her locker as Rilyn went on and on about the dance. Hope was tired and had the look of death on her face, she wasn't her normal self. She needed her strength back.
That same night, as Hope finished an essay for English class, Rilyn entered, telling her to get ready for a party. Hope finished the last of her essay before heading to her closet.

She found a dress (at the top) and paired it with a gold hoop belt she had laying around. She kept her hair down but only styled her bangs. Rilyn entered her room for a cigarette lighter as Hope grabbed her things to go.

The party was down the block from where they lived so they decided to walk there. Once they got to the door, Harrison knocked. Only to see their brother.

"Hey guys, cmon in" Their brother said
" Hello to you too, Matteo" Hope said coldly as she walked past him to immediately get the bottle of pure vodka to drink by herself. The rest got beers and went their separate ways.

Hope got out her cigarette as she lit it up, smoke came out from her mouth then she took it away from her lips to drink her cup of vodka. She started walking around as she held on to the wall.

Two guys came up to her as she downed a shot of tequila.
"Hey, you're the singer from the band Everlong right?" One asked
"That would be me" Hope hummed afterwards
"You're so much hotter in person" the other one said as Hope nodded
"Come with us for a while" One said as the other one grabbed her but Hope pushed him away
"No thank you" Hope said as she walked away but the guy grabbed her arm and pushed her in front of him as the other one grabbed her until Gustav stopped them

"What the hell are you doing" the guy asked
"I'm wondering why you've got my friend in your arms" Gustav said as he grabbed Hope from him
"Hey, are you okay" Gustav said holding Hopes head in his hands
"I'm fine, thank you" Hope said taking his hands off her head, holding them.
"Hope, you seriously don't look well. How long has it been since?" He asked

"A week" Hope stated as Gustav helped her up to a random bedroom
"Wait here" he said as Hope held on to the wall, walking to the bathroom where she threw up a black substance, gasping heavily as she heard the door open.

"Here you go, Drink" Gustav said as he pushed the guy from before in front of her. Hope said breathing heavily "Thank you" Hope mouthed as her jaw became unhinged to which allowed her to rip the guy from limb to limb. Once she stopped she used her hands to scoop out the intestines and blood to help gain her strength back.

She got up and dropped his body to the floor as she cleaned the blood from off her face, hands, arms and legs. She looked much healthier and alive than before. She dropped the body out of the window and returned to the party.
"Cmon" She said tilting her head, signaling for them to leave the room as she pulled out her lighter to light her cigarette, exhaling the smoke from her mouth. They went their separate ways after that.

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