
47 0 0

May 14th, 2006
(Drug use and gore details)
Everlong has released their new album called "Sacred" that contains seven songs tour started two months after the release . Hope has been silent and was struggling since she started drinking and smoking more but she said that she stopped.

It was about 10:00 pm when Hope started getting ready to go out when she was stopped by her brothers.
-"Where are you going" Greyson asked
-"Out to have fun" Hope replied
-" We're going with you" Harry said
-"Why" Hope asked

-"So you don't end up doing anything stupid" Greyson adds as everyone was ready to go out. Bill and his members were going to be there as well.
They arrived and immediately Hope ordered a cup of straight vodka and began drinking when suddenly she saw someone approaching her.

-"Hi Bill"
-"Hi Hope, you okay?"
-"Just tired" Hope said as she handed Bill a cigarette and lit both of their cigarettes and began smoking while drinking.
Hope saw Greyson making out with a random girl as Harry was talking to a girl and Rilyn was kissing a guy she met which led to her sleeping with him.

Bill got closer to Hope and started kissing her as Hope kissed back rough that led to a make out session, after a while Hope slipped her tongue into his mouth then Bill did the same thing, they start becoming very touchy with each other before they could go any further, they got stopped.

-"Someone's having fun" Tom said laughing
-"Hi Tom" Hope said
-"Someones looking for you Hope" Tom said
-"Who?" Hope asked
-"This guy named Nolan, he's got black hair wavy ish, gray eyes, wears Black clothes" Tom said
-"Who's Nolan" Bill asked

-"I don't know" Hope said as Nolan walked up to Hope
-"Hi Hope" Nolan said
-"Oh hey Nolan, did you bring it" Hope said
-"Yep I got it but theres a price to pay" Nolan said
-"What price"

-"I'll show you come one" Nolan said grabbing Hopes hand taking her to a empty room
-"I'll be back" Hope said kissing Bill then leaving
-"Do you think she's cheating on you?" Tom said

-"I don't know, I mean she's really loyal, she wouldn't do that" Bill said
-"If you say so" Tom said
Hope and Nolan were in an empty room, they began kissing each other which led into a make out session between the two. Nolan began kissing Hopes jawline down to her neck as Hope moaned softly.

-"Alright that's enough Nolan" Hope said as Nolan got upset
-"No, we agreed that if slept with me, I'll give the stuff" Nolan said

-"No you said if we kiss and we did so, give me the stuff" Hope said as Nolan pinned her to the bed.
-"Nolan seriously stop" Hope said as his grip got tighter on her, he took off her pants and undergarments and started touched her causing for Hope to kick him in his stomach.He got off while Hope fixed her pants.

-"Fine then if you blow me, I'll give you it" Nolan said.
-"Fine, for fuck sakes" Hope said. Nolan sat down on the bed as Hope got on his lap and started grinding on him, she realized he was already hard, so she got on her knees and began to unbuckle Nolan's belt, unbuttoned and unzipped his pants. Hope took off his boxers and started to palm him which led him to moan.

-"Whenever you're ready love" Nolan said after five minutes Hope was still palming him but stopped and got up.
-"Why'd you stop" Nolan asked
-"Because" Hope said
-"I'm not gonna give you anything if you don't blow me" Nolan said putting his pants on
-"Maybe not but I'll still get them" Hope said
-"Oh yeah. How?" Nolan said.

Hope then walked up to him, stabbed him . After she shot him in the stomach twice . She searched for where he kept the stuff until she found them in his pocket
-"See I told you I would still get them" Hope said walking out, going back to Bill and Tom.
-"Did you have fun?" Bill asked upset
-"No, why?" Hope said
-"Are you cheating?" Tom said

-"What? No of course not!" Hope said
-"Then what did you do in there?" Bill asked
-"He kissed me then he did something to me" Hope said as she lit another cigarette as Nolan walked out bleeding going towards Hope grabbing her by her wrist.

-"You fucking bitch" Nolan said as Hope kicked him again causing him to groan in pain as she grabbed an empty bottle and smashed it on his head causing his head to bleed but he lost consciousness.
-"Asshole" Hope said as she exhaled smoke from her mouth as went to the bathroom.

She grabbed the bag of coke (the drug) and made two lines and rolled up paper and began to inhale the powder from her nose. Then she went for her second line of coke after she finished, she looked in the mirror and began wiping her nose making sure there was no powder around her nose.

-"God damn" Hope said she she was wiped her nose not realizing her nose was bleeding.
-"Oh shit" Hope said grabbing paper towels, after a minute the blood went away and she went back to Bill and Tom while being high.

903 words

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