Chapter 3: Jayda's First Job

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Hi peeps

Sorry for the slight delay in releasing this chapter, when I put up the date, I wasn't expecting life to get in the way. Anyway, here is chapter 3, I hope you enjoy all 18 pages of it.

Have fun and as always, basic editing, don't be an asshat.

Chapter 3: Jayda's first job.

Jayda walked into the guild the day after she stocked up on all her supplies, when she told Kay there was a likelihood she would not be coming back tonight when she handed in her key, Kay said that they would prepare lunch then if she was back in time for dinner she could just pay for dinner. Astra had already told her last night that she would meet her in the guild and to not bother waiting so the moment she had her lunch safely tucked away in her storage she left.

She was dressed in her cloak although today she didn't have the hood up. Knowing she was going to attract attention she did her best to ignore the looks as she moved over to the requests board, her eyes scanned the D-rank requests, there were no bandit requests, so she went to the G, F and E board where most of the reoccurring requests were. She made note of which medicinal herbs were in demand so that she could gather them if she came across them as well as what she had to collect as proof if she killed goblins and another low ranked monsters. Once she had taken in all the information, she needed she moved to the guild notice board. During the two days she had considered all her options when it came to protecting herself and had decided the easiest way to make Pyemon stay away was to make him realise she was too dangerous to approach.

"Well, hello beautiful, how about you join us for a mission and then for the night?" A man asked after walking up to Jayda.

Astra watched from her spot in line, many were in fact discretely watching, trying to size up the new person, some were trying to figure out her strength, whether she could be relied on and if she could be, should they scout to her their party. Others were just shocked to see an actual Dark Elf, to the best of their knowledge Dark Elves never left their community in Leaf Tree which meant no one living had seen a Dark Elf outside of Leaf Tree. The guild would not interfere with quarrels between adventurers and most adventurers liked a good fight, either watching or being involved. Astra did nothing, Jayda had to stand up for herself, had to make it so people knew not to mess with her, after all adventurers also followed a might is right rule.

Jayda ignored the man, far more interested in the notice board, Astra snorted in amusement.

"Hey, don't you know who we are, we're C-ranks, Silver Python party." The man demanded.

Jayda finally turned to him, "Oh I'm sorry am I in your way." She said as she stepped aside to let them see the G, F and E notice board.

Several of the watchers snickered in amusement but only because they knew the fight was coming. Silver Python were known for their arrogance, bullying of the lower ranks and sexual harassment, everyone was looking forward to time they get their comeuppance, they had come up the ranks before Matt took over and added the exam process to weed out and correct bad elements, elements like them.

The man in the lead shook with barely contained anger, he took a deep breath, "Hey, I will overlook your insult if you join us, for the night."

Jayda glanced to them for a moment, "Really, I insulted you... how?"

"By thinking we would even need to see the newbie board, we're C-ranks!" He said loudly.

Jayda frowned, "not what the guide says, even as a C-rank you might be required to do these jobs to fill a quota."

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