Chapter 7: To punish the greedy.

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Hi peeps.

As promised the next chapter to Jayda and Astra's adventure and their last chapter in the capital for this journey. I hope you enjoy it, please comment, however as usual, this has basic editing, don't be an asshat.

Have fun!

Chapter 7: To punish the greedy

Jayda and Astra walked into the guild, the auction was currently underway and as the royal guard were protecting the venue, they had just delivered the items and left them to it. The auction was planned for a week, a day in and they were summoned to the guild.

They got into line and waited for their turn, when it was, they put their cards down, "We were summoned," Astra told them.

"Right this way please," they told them as they closed their line, Astra and Jayda collected their cards, and followed the staff member to Matt's office.

Astra and Jayda made themselves comfortable before Matt started. He handed them a request form.

"The king really wants them alive," Astra remarked 5 large silvers was a big reward for capturing people

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"The king really wants them alive," Astra remarked 5 large silvers was a big reward for capturing people.

Matt nodded, "He plans to turn them into criminal slaves, give them a taste of the misery they inflicted on others."

"Easier to kill them," Astra told him, as Jayda had proven, slave curse marks could be removed if you knew what you were doing.

Matt handed another slip of paper directly to Jayda.

Matt handed another slip of paper directly to Jayda

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Astra read over her shoulder, "Damn... he is serious."

"He has also made a deal to sell them to Gouford, to work the mines." Matt told them seriously, Gouford was a collection of production city states that had banded together for protection. They believed in arduous work and only brought criminal slaves, to work in their mines and they were not treated well. Pampered fallen nobles... their jailors, loved breaking fallen nobles and making them finally work for their meals and their lives.

"Can you do that?" Astra asked, Jayda could dispel slave curses, in theory she should be able to make them.

Jayda glanced to Astra then the request, "What, create a slave curse that can't be dispelled?"

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