Chapter 25: An interesting Student

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Hi Everyone

Not the longest chapter but it is a good setup for the next.

Have Fun

Chapter 25: An interesting Student.

Jayda walked into her other weapon styles class a week and a half later, their stay had been extended to three weeks to get all the courses in as there were a couple of people who met the requirements who weren't in the city right now. There were only twenty-five people in the room, they all had their weapons in their hands and were eagerly waiting for Jayda.

"I am Jayda I will be your instructor, if you are wondering, I am a weapon master, there is no such thing as a weapon I cannot use or figure out how to use." Jayda told them as she started to walk along their line and looked at the weapons, the first person was using short weirdly shaped axes with a slightly curved handle for leverage, Jayda held out her hand to take one and one was handed over.

"Ice climbing axes, I haven't seen this style before," she remarked after studying it for a moment before she returned it. She paused at the woman next to him who was using a rope dart. "Nice, don't see rope darts often this far west." Jayda turned to the stands where the other war horses were to help if needed. "Oi Leeanne, go put on your comfy clothes and come back here." Leeanne stood and left the room to do as she was asked. Jayda moved down the line the next couple of people carried versions of quarterstaffs, daggers and finally the second last was a woman who only carried a unique shield, it looked like the cross between a header and a tower shield. 

Jayda paused before her, she studied this woman for a moment, she was more solid than any of the other women, her build was one that tanks wanted, solid but not too big, she stood in that perfect zone at five eight of not being too tall or short either. Her armour was a little lighter than normal, scale mail instead of the heavier plate mail, also she carried no weapon just her sword. Honey brown hair was pulled back in braids to keep it out of her face and hazel eyes, which were more green than brown watched Jayda. 

"Okay, you have my interest, attack me." Jayda stepped away and gestured her forward. The woman stepped forward and with speed and strength Jayda hadn't thought possible as the woman was wearing heavy scale armour. Jayda dodged the shield that swung at her, and the woman suddenly slammed the shield down and changed direction to attack again. This time Jayda was forced to flip over the woman.

Jayda held up her hand to pause the fight, "Okay, I get it, do you fight with a swordsman or a spearman?"

"Just me," she answered.

"Frey," Jayda called as she pulled a sword out. "I want you to attack her, I will attack the opening your attack will create."

Frey nodded and her sword and shield appeared, the two women started to fight, Frey trying to get around the smaller, faster woman who was using her shield as both a shield and a weapon. "Shit!" Frey had to quickly raise her shield to block Jayda and the woman quickly side stepped and managed to slam the blunt edge of her practise shield into Frey's ribs.

Frey grunted in a little pain and took a quick step back to make room. "I take it your working shield has sharp edges."

"Yeah." She answered not even out of breath.

"But did you see how working as a pair might help you?" Jayda asked and the woman nodded. "You should search for someone who can match your speed if they can't the timing would be wrong. I would suggest someone who uses a one-handed sword or a bastard. May I?" Jayda asked and she offered her shield to her. Jayda studied it for a moment, "Go to a blacksmith and have a hand hold added here, it will give you more leverage when you go to edge attack, I can attach one quickly, but you should have it attached properly."

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