Chapter 19: Oops.

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Hi peeps,

Here is the latest chapter.

Have fun, remember don't be an asshat, and now, I hide.

Chapter 19: Oops.

They rode out of the city a week later, they had let the guild know they would be in the forest for a about a week as they tested new equipment, they had over a month before the kingdom conference, so they were free to come and go as long as they didn't go too far and let the guild know. Blaze was all excited after finally getting his tack yesterday he frolicked around with the other horses and monsters once they had gotten to a grass land far from capital for safety reasons.

Cait watched Blaze with a grin as the horse ran with the herd.

"Oi, we'll be testing Cait's new gear so give us space." Jayda called and the tamed monsters moved further away from them to continue their play, since they all wore collars or tack if people saw them, they would know they were tamed and not be stupid enough to attack them if they saw them.

Frey and Astra helped Cait into her over armour as her under armour or adventuring clothes were still being made. "Unlike us you actually need help to get into your armour." Astra remarked as she tightened a buckle then attached the armour panel on top. If they were out, it would mean that Cait wouldn't be able to take off her armour which would be a hassle.

"I will work on an auto equip function," Jayda remarked, and Astra nodded.

"If you figure it out for Cait may as well, do it for us all, that way we will be able to put our armour on in a moment's notice." Astra told her and Jayda nodded, sounded like a clever idea. Once they got Cait armoured up, she moved off to move around and test the fit.

Cait did all the moves she would do to warm up to test her movements to see if anything needed tightening or loosening. "Can you tighten this," Cait gestured to a panel on her back.

Jayda walked forward and took care of the adjustment. The armour was a dark grey, made from straight Hihirokane as making dragon scale armour was going to take more than a week to make and she was still deciding what metals she wanted to use. Originally, she wanted to use straight Dark Steel however Cait wasn't strong enough for that armour yet. She then stepped back to let Cait move and Cait did some of the hand fighting moves Jayda had taught her to test her movement before she twisted her body.

"It's a little stiff," she complained to Jayda.

"It is brand new armour, you need to break it in," Frey told her with a smile.

Once she was happy with how her armour felt, she pulled out her new weapon and started to do her moves, adding magic, and retracting to make her swings heavier and then lighter to fasten her recovery.

She kept adjusting the amount of magic she fed into the hammer figuring out the limits.

"Um... why does it look like she is forcing air out of her way?" Frey asked as she could literally see air roll off the hammer head. The hairs on the back of her neck went up and she took a few more steps back.

"Because she is." Jayda answered a little surprised as she hadn't thought this was possible. "Careful, you are getting close to Over Charging." She called forward and Cait nodded.

"Over Charging?" Astra asked as she, Frey and Mia moved further away, Over Charging a magic weapon was dangerous, if they didn't have an over charge skill release the weapon essentially became an extremely dangerous magic bomb.

Cait moved closer to a large boulder that was close to her practise spot as she fed just a little more magic into her weapon and felt it hum in her hands. Grabbing with her left hand she put her whole body into the swing as she aimed her hammer at the boulder.

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