Chapter 27: Branching out.

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Hey everyone,

Happy Mother's Day (or Parents' Day if that's your family situation), here is the latest chapter. FYI if you are wondering, we are roughly 370 pages into this saga... there are roughly 19 pages in this chapter, and I am nowhere near where I want to be to finish this story.

Any who, happy reading.

Chapter 27: Branching out.

Jayda loosened her wrists as she stood before Dawn and Erin the next day, Rhia stood a little further behind them however, she too was in this spar. Rhia had come by this morning and proudly showed Erin and Dawn that she had completed the Ruin of Boer and then asked them if she could be a Misfit.

Jayda had then suggested this, a sparring session to test compatibility and to see where Dawn and Erin were. Dawn and Erin attacked using the unique fighting style that came from shield fighting, Jayda fought the pair easily and suddenly swayed as Rhia slid in, using both Dawn and Erin's moves to add her own. It had taken a lot of watching and studying the pair to figure out how her own styles could add to theirs; she had never actually practised with the pair; however, her timing was perfect. Rhia had mastered two fighting styles, sword, and dual wielding daggers, since they had space Rhia decided to use her sword, if they were in a confined space she would have had gone with the daggers mounted at the small of her back.

Jayda moved blocking Rhia's back swing before she span away from Dawn's shield, blocked Erin's blade with her other blade, her foot caught Dawn's sword and used the force of her leg and Dawn's move to push herself away from the group.

Frey let out a whoop and there were cheers from the watchers, that exchange was fun to watch. Jayda grinned at the trio, "Alright, I see how this is." She cracked her neck and lowered her centre of gravity, slowly she started to circle.

They fought as a trio, pairs, or singles, trying to figure out a way to beat Jayda however Jayda met all their moves and combinations easily.

"Okay, enough." Astra called almost twenty minutes of intense fighting later, Dawn sat and flopped back until she was laying, she panted gently. Erin and Rhia also sat, that was the most intense fighting any of them had done up until this point even when they were fighting for their lives.

Dawn took a deep breath and got up and ready to go again, both she and Erin had been working on their stamina, building it slowly and learning how to conserve energy. When they asked Jayda why Stamina wasn't a stat she had simply replied, stamina is something you learn, something you grow, not something that can be levelled. Erin huffed and got up and finally Rhia got up, all three took ready stances, ready to go again.

Jayda chuckled, "we're done for today."

Rhia sighed and put her weapon away a blade somewhere between a scimitar and a sword. "Khala said you were not to be messed with; I understand now."

"I have mastery of four entire skill trees," Jayda told her.

"Yeah, magic, hunting, martial and weapons." Astra added as she clapped Dawn on the back. "Good work the three of you."

"Yeah, never expect to beat Jayda, but have fun making new moves to try." Frey added. "Also, you know the rule, right?"

Rhia nodded, "Need a War Horse to be a Rumble." Frey smiled at them and clapped her hard on the back sending her forward.

"So, she's approved to be a Misfit?" Erin asked.

"She managed to figure out how to incorporate herself into shield fighting just from watching, yeah she's a Misfit." Mia stated and Leeanne nodded.

The Founding of Rumble.Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon