Chapter 20: 2nd Kingdom Conference

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Hiya peeps,

Here is the latest chapter, I hope you all enjoy, please remember I do not have an editor, whatever editing done is basic, any mistakes, let slide, DON'T be an Asshat. I have no issues with comments, in fact I enjoy them, except when they are Asshat comments, know that regardless of the fact this story is fiction, I do research.

Other than that, enjoy, have fun. 😊

Chapter 20: 2nd Kingdom Conference

A week and a half later Ingrid stood next to Ericson as they were announced into the room. Ingrid was dressed in some of the finest clothes she had ever owned, presented to her by Amy. It was in the Barbarian style and remarkably close to what she normally wore, only the materials, stitching and overall fit was better than what she normally wore. When Frey said good clothes, she thought she was going to have to wear something uncomfortable, but these were the most comfortable clothes she owned. Ingrid's eyes searched the room and instantly spotted Cait who was standing with her friends and doing her best not to be nervous. "Þeir betri hafgóðr matr, [they better have good food]" Ericson remarked, and Ingrid nodded.

"Try eigi til fit einnhverr maðr [try not to fight anyone]," Ingrid told him firmly before she walked off to join her Ancestor and the people she was currently with.

Jazmine walked over after being announced. "I heard there was a new War Horse." She mused to herself as her eyes raked over the tall Green Ogre. She made a mental note to ask Mia how she felt being around all these big people.

"Your highness," Jayda said with a nod of her head.

Jazmine turned to Ingrid, "I also heard there would be Barbarian representation at this conference."

"This is Ingrid Erling, Jarl of Íss Vargr." Astra introduced.

"She is also my grandmother." Ingrid stated just to cut down on any confusion because they shared the same family name.

Jazmine turned to Astra who nodded, then to Ingrid then back to Astra. "You actually have children?"

Astra nodded, "Had to, as the Jarl, in our clan, it's a hereditary title, passing from eldest living child to eldest living child. If I didn't give birth, I wouldn't have been able to leave."

Ingrid nodded, "When I became Jarl I wasn't allowed to raid again until I had given birth to my daughter."

"Fascinating," Jazmine remarked before she turned to Astra. "So why are you in charge and not your parents."

"My parents went off to explore shortly after I came of age their brother is an oddball, he lives in a little hut on the far side of the island, he trades furs for supplies he can't get." Ingrid explained. "My Aunt Hilda and Uncle Alvar."

"My Aunt and Uncle, Ingrid's great, great Aunt and Uncle." Astra said to explain the family tree. "I only gave birth to two, an heir and a spare." She stated, it might seem a little callous, but her children knew she cared and loved them, she had stuck around for their entire childhoods until they had both come of age before she finally left them to gain their own names. She had also made a point to always write letters to her children then her grandchild, insisting on having a relationship with them regardless of the distance.

"Yeah, anyway, they cared for the clan while I went and did I what I needed to, to learn how to be a good Skipper and Jarl." Ingrid stated, "But I was still the Jarl so every time I returned Hilda and Alvar kept me up to date with all clan business. They mind the clan if I go raiding and if they want to raid, I stay."

"But not all clans function the same way." Frey remarked. "In my clan, anyone in the Jarl's immediately family can challenge and become Jarl but once they are Jarl they have to stay with the clan, so it's rare for a challenge and just passes down the family."

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