Chapter 18: Cait Jadeson.

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Happy New Year Peeps,

I hope you all had a happy festive season, here is the first chapter of the year, it gets spicy, you are welcome to skip it.

Have fun and remember, I don't have and editor, so basic word editing only, DON'T be an asshat.

Chapter 18: Cait Jadeson

Frey woke with a groan; they were camping as they were doing more work for the guild. A few weeks ago, a full month after settling the dark elves into their new home, they were given their new list of investigations and had set off. Jayda was latched onto her and in a way, Frey knew meant she wasn't going to let go and as strong as she was, Jayda was stronger. "Love," Frey said as she shook her to wake her lover up.

Jayda groaned.

"I need to pee," Frey complained.

Jayda huffed and released her, Frey got up after sliding on a pair of pants and a shirt before she left the tent.

Eight sets of ears turned to her, four pairs belonged to horse monsters, three pairs to wolf monsters and the last pair to a cat monster. The wolves and cat were lazing around the camp as their partners slept while the horses grazed around them. Frey moved to the dug pit they were using for the bathroom and took a few moments to take care of her needs before she cast cleanse on herself and went to return to bed.

The hairs on the back of her neck prickled slightly, she paused and slowly glanced around, they were camped in a rest spot, and they had it to themselves. Jayda had checked and there were no monsters near that posed a threat.

She knew they were safe as Jayda always cast barrier magic around their camp, but she couldn't see anything, she let out a low rumble, the tamed beasts were instantly alert and started to stalk around their camp, the horses came more centralized to give the more agile monsters room to move. Jayda walked out of her tent in hastily thrown on clothes, Astra and Mia also came out of their tent together.

Jayda let out a gentle rumble, where's the danger? She asked as that is what her low rumble had conveyed to everyone, that there was danger nearby.

I don't know, I just... the hairs on my neck went up, it felt like danger and blood lust. Frey answered with gentle hoots.

One at a time, bathroom and get dressed. Astra ordered with a gentle growl, Frey ducked into her shared tent and started to dress.

Jayda quickly took care of her bladder then sent out her senses to see if she could feel what had alerted Frey. There were not a lot of things which would alert a Celestial ranked being, let alone trigger their danger instincts. Even when fighting powerful monsters, so far, the only being to strike fear into the three Celestial ranked women, was Jayda herself and the Gods.

Frey came out in her armour and gear, that prickle was still there, something in the forest meant them harm.

Mia shivered before she went to go into the tent, I feel it too now, she said as she clicked her teeth before she went into the tent.

Astra frowned, she hadn't doubted Frey as she knew her friend's instincts were more animalistic than her own, which meant they were more sensitive to these kinds of intents. Closing her eyes she relaxed her mind, letting her more animalistic instincts to come forward, only once she had, did she too feel the intent, it was faint, almost masked. She opened her eyes, there it is, she said to Jayda. It's faint, either masked or they are just too weak to be a real threat.

Jayda huffed, Get dressed then I can, then I will try a shared sense spell.

Astra nodded and went to get dressed after using the latrine, once the other three women were dressed and ready Jayda went in to dress, she came out a few minutes later and cast a spell they had never seen before. It allowed Jayda to share their senses and finally she felt what they felt, it was faint, but the fact they could feel it at all meant the being had to be either mid Ancient rank or a high levelled high sapient. The reason Jayda couldn't feel it was because she was Divine rank and lot stronger than any being she had met or fought since leaving the Divine realm, she had absolutely nothing to fear out here. If the guild were to gauge the danger level of Jayda the same way they graded monsters, they just had to look at her wildling race to get an estimate, although they would be very wrong. Monsters were easily graded even after the S ranks, a normal dragon was considered S class, SS for Variants, SSS for Ancient, Calamity for Celestial and Catastrophe for Divine, after all Divine dragons were so powerful, they could alter the very landscape or destroy the world.

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