Chapter 26: RUMBLE!

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Chapter 26: RUMBLE!

Erin sat with a huff two days later and flopped back until she was laying, she panted, Dawn was on the ground near her. Frey bounced near them, and Jayda just watched the two women who were exhausted. Learning to work together was no easy feat but considering Jayda and Frey had showed them roughly what they would look like once they got used to working together, they wanted that because they knew it would help them get strong enough to stand on their own.

Erin glared at the large woman who was eager to continue, "Where do you get your stamina?" Erin complained.

"I'm Barbarian, we row into a port to raid it, when we raid it, it usually involves fighting, then we row out, got to know how to conserve energy, your life will depend on it." Frey answered, she knew part of the reason was Barbarians seemed to have endless energy was their wildling background, however not all Barbarians had Wildling blood, those adopted into the clan learnt how to conserve energy just like their full Barbarian clan mates.

"You will have to work on that," Astra told her, "both of you, you use a lot of energy for your individual styles."

"Not to mention mana," Leeanne added then frowned. "Maybe adding my families hand fighting techniques will help them, teach them to use the opponents moves and their body to add to their own and conserve energy."

Jayda considered Leeanne for a moment, a good base, would help the pair and they would learn to control their bodies which might help them unlock the skills they hadn't managed.

Frey grinned, "Me too?"

"We can all learn together," Astra stated seeing no reason not to add to her skills and see if anything will help her fighting skills.

"Tomorrow," Jayda added much to the relief of Erin and Dawn. Jayda helped Dawn to her feet, Frey helped Erin up.

"Come on," Astra told the pair, "after a good sparring session, the best thing about this house, is the bath."

"More so since Jayda remodelled it again," Cait agreed.

Erin and Dawn hadn't bathed with the party before however they had all signed the contracts which would protect everyone's secrets.

They got to the bathroom, "Ah, one thing you need to know about Green Ogre females, we have both sets of sex organs." Cait explained.

"And they're all mine," Leeanne told the pair firmly.

"If it will make you uncomfortable, I can wait." Cait told them.

Erin shook her head, "Not like it will be the first dick I've seen."

"What she said," Dawn stated.

Astra grinned, "By the sounds of it, dicks don't do it for you."

Erin blushed, she wasn't completely sure, but she was beginning to think she preferred women over men, more so if they were Elves. "Don't know but maybe."

Dawn shrugged, "Men are idiots, women are hot."

"Don't look at me, my type is big and strong, it doesn't matter if they have tits, a dick or both." Leeanne stated as they finally walked into the bathroom. "Although I will freely admit to loving the fact Cait has it all."

"Leeanne is like that," Dawn told Erin before both turned to the massive bathroom.

"Damn, this is better than," Erin paused, she glanced to the War Horses, but they were fully aware of Erin's blood ties.

Erin sighed and turned to Dawn, "I want to tell you something, about, me, however..."

Dawn placed a hand on Erin's shoulder, "When you are ready, is when you can tell me."

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