I'm / Sick

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"Does there need to be a reason?"

Venom dripped from your words as you drawled them. Satoru didn't know what to do or what to say. He felt so small, right now, almost like he did when he fought Toji the first time.

"Satoru, I just- I understand, you were in a terrifying, terrible situation but I mean... how could you say that? Do you have no integrity as a sorcerer?"

Satoru shook his head. "They were weak, and... and yet they were clapping! Joyful! Because I held a child- a person with a future in my arms, dead!"

"We're sorcerers! It's our duty to-!"

Gojo waved you off. "Don't go on about that. That's Suguru's nonsense. And you know what, I'd rather hear that stuff from him because he's gone through what I have."

Satoru pointed at you, digging his finger into your shoulder. "You, have no idea what I've been through. Have no idea what it was like. Your sympathy is all you can offer, and you know what, I don't want that anymore. Stop talking to me about it."

He didn't spare you even one last dirty look, before walking out of the hallway.

A classroom door slid open. Yaga looked at you, gesturing you over. Nodding, you followed him into the classroom.

"I can reprimand him, if you'd like. I think he deserves it."

"No, it's okay. He's been through enough."

Yaga sighed. "Those two can't keep using this as an excuse to treat their peers poorly. We're sorcerers. This comes with the job."

You stayed silent. You couldn't believe you'd fought with Satoru like that. "I shouldn't have brought it up. I should've let Suguru figure it out."

"No. You were trying. It may take him a while, but Satoru will realize that. And that's important. For him and for you."

"I hope so."

"Why would you tell her that?!" Satoru screamed as he barged into Suguru's room. He did this often, but not with the anger that had built up in him right now.

Suguru straightened up in his chair. He put his pencil down and turned around to look Satoru dead in the eyes.

"She deserves to know."

"Deserves to know?! What does that mean?"

"You shouldn't keep that from her Satoru. It's a part of you."

"And? What does that matter? That doesn't explain why you had to go and tell Y/N that! It was supposed to be between the two of us."

Suguru ran his hand through his hair. "Satoru, c'mon. You like her."

Satoru scrunched up his eyebrows. "What?"

"Everyone's figured it out. Except her, maybe."

"No, no, no. Everyone's got it wrong," Satoru quickly said. "I've never liked her that way. She's a friend. Like Shoko is."


"And she's younger than us! Why would I ever go for a first year, what am I , a creep, you think?"

"Satoru please!" Suguru quickly said before he could be interrupted again. "It's just... sure, even if you don't like her that way... she's still your friend. A close friend. Who deserves to know that you acted that way. That you've been feeling that way. Yeah, I probably shouldn't have told her but... If there was anyone who could help you, I thought it would be Y/N. You guys probably relate the most when it comes to your personal lives. Big sorcerer families and all that."

Satoru took a deep breath. Suguru, very often, left him lost for words. "I'm sick of you."

Suguru pressed his lips in a thin line. "Yeah, me too."

Satoru didn't figure out Suguru was talking about himself until it was too late.

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