Big Fight!

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You were having a good day so far. Any meal on an empty stomach tastes exceptionally good, and the day was great. You'd gotten the opportunity to walk around with Utahime, and then take a nearly empty bus home. Your shuffled playlist played multiple songs that you loved, and best of all you felt great. Well rested and ready to see your family again.

So, as you jiggled your keys into the door, and peeked in, you did so with a bright smile on your face, one you didn't even notice that you had. The house was quiet, but shockingly clean. You looked around, impressed that everything seemed to be put back in the same place. You swiped a finger across the window sill, gasping lightly. They've even wiped down the windows.

Searching up recipes on your phone, you decided to make the kids and Satoru a very chocolatey cake, as a thank you for their hard work. If anything, all of them deserved that. But as you were humming to yourself, setting up the ingredients you needed, the door opened.

So much for a surprise, you thought while you walked over to the door with a small skip in your step, excited to see them.

Tsumiki practically ran into your arms the second she saw you, making you giggle. Megumi was taking his shoes off when you looked over to Satoru, with a bright smile.

He had a slight frown on his face.

When you were about to look over at Megumi, the one who was always the most observant when Satoru was in a mood, and the one who always warned you about one of the moods, Satoru cupped your face and leaned down to kiss your forehead.

Oh? So he's okay?

Well, you would think.

Shrugging it off as him being tired, you put the kids' things away in a neater manner than they were leaving them, as Satoru ushered them to the bathroom to wash up and change. He walked into the kitchen as the kids changed, still so much more quiet than he ever was.

It made you feel a little uneasy.

But you didn't want to make him feel weird about being tired.

Since his migraines had been getting worse, you tried to keep the house quiet. Satoru still hadn't opted for trying out bandages yet, always telling you he'd try them soon, on the next special grade mission he was assigned. You tried not to bother him too much, letting him rest and focus on himself while you tried to take the role of parenting the kids more often.

Usually there was a balance.

And Satoru had noticed the balance tipping as well. He was thankful, but he hadn't found the time to privately put it into words with you. He wanted to be alone with you, to let his emotions out properly and in a healthy manner. He knew he would be even more stumped than he usually is, if he knew the kids were awake and could be listening. But late night missions - both yours and his - held him back. You were always exhausted from missions and school. He knew what the feeling was like, he was still going through that. But the added responsibility of children made everything a lot harder.

He knew that, of course he did.

But he thought you still loved it. He thought you loved him and the life you both had gotten so used to, he thought you loved the kids as much as he loved them; enough to sacrifice the life you could have had without them.

He still did think that. The words you allegedly told Utahime might have been Utahime's clouded mind hearing things wrong, or taking something the wrong way. Or you may have been too drunk to say anything that made sense?

But drunken words were sober thoughts, right?

Satoru sighed, scratching the back of his neck before continuing cooking dinner. You watched him carefully, with a small frown on your face, watching the way he fidgeted and couldn't seem to stand still. Every few minutes he'd let out an annoyed huff, and if he couldn't open something or there was a small inconvenience, he seemed to get more aggravated than he usually would.

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