Happy Day!

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The graduation ceremony is quiet.

Partly because the lost presence of Suguru is more apparent than ever.

But also because the beloved third years are unable to watch. Ijichi is the only one in the crowd. Or well, the only jujutsu student. He brought Tsumiki and Megumi, per your request.

Satoru didn't really want them here. He didn't want to put up a façade today. He was upset and he wanted to be clear about his feelings.

But as Tsumiki cheered loudly and even Megumi clapped politely as he accepted his diploma, Satoru couldn't find it in himself to be as upset as he was earlier.

When he'd couped himself up in the bathroom he'd made sure to send you a quick text. I wish you were here.

He was left on delivered.

He had always thought - or until August of 2007 - he had always thought that graduation would be a happy day. He'd be laughing with Suguru, ruffling Shoko's hair and earning a slap, hugging you tightly as if he'd never see you again (despite the fact that he'd definitely sneak into your dorm everyday) and giving his grown man lecture to Nanami and Haibara.

Satoru sighed. As the years continued, it was more apparent that even without those who have died, that the world keeps moving with or without you. And everyday was a reminder to Satoru, that he would now be spending more time apart from Suguru than he had ever spent with him.

Scratching his head with a sigh, Satoru checked his phone again. Still nothing.

The bathroom door opened and Megumi stepped in. Satoru grinned. "Hey kiddo."

"Hi," Megumi answered, looking up at Satoru curiously. The boy was very analytical and Satoru didn't like that. Only he should be able to tell what people are thinking, only Satoru should be able to see through people. He didn't want to be seen through, especially by some seven year old.

"What's wrong with you?"

Satoru shrugged. It was better to be somewhat truthful around people who could see through lies. "Graduation isn't always a happy day."

Megumi hesitated. "Is it because of Y/N?"

Satoru shook his head. "No, no... well, a little, maybe. Would be better with her here, I guess." Satoru stared up at the ceiling, sighing before making a move to the door.

Megumi frowned as Satoru left. He'd never seen the man so down before. It was unnerving, he told himself. That's why Megumi felt upset seeing Satoru that way.

Tsumiki had snuck off to the designated smoking area. When Shoko had spotted her, she quickly threw away her cigarette and waved off the fumes. "What're you doing here! Y/N's gonna kill you! And me! Mostly me!"

"You seem sad," Tsumiki frowned, tilting her head.

Shoko huffed. Where was her cigarette when she needed it?

"Of course I'm sad," Shoko answered. "My high school journey is over, or whatever."

"That's all you're sad about?" Tsumiki asked.

Shoko shrugged. "I don't know."

In truth, she did know, deep down, in a corner she preferred to keep locked away.

She missed her family, the one that had abandoned her once they labelled her a freak. She felt left out as Satoru had his own journey, had his own life with you, with two kids to focus on. All Shoko had was the dreadful view of curses and people hurt by curses. She forgot the feeling of fresh air, and Suguru was gone. Most painfully, Suguru wasn't here.

But he could be.

She was on edge. What if he took the risk? Came here to watch them graduate? Because despite his ideals, despite everything, Suguru still loved her and Satoru, right?

He'd want to be here.

So why wasn't he?

"Aunt Shoko?"

That took her out of her mind. Shoko glared down at Tsumiki. "Who taught you to call me that?"


"I'm gonna kill that"-

"Should I not call you that?"

Shoko took a second, before sighing and shaking her head. "Call me whatever you want," she said. "Aunt Shoko is fine."

"Okay," Tsumiki nodded.

It felt weird being called an aunt when you and Satoru were still called by your names. Shoko didn't know if that would ever change. It would though, wouldn't it? Eventually, you and Satoru would be mom and dad.

Shoko scratched her head. She didn't want to be left behind. But it seemed like it would end up that way.

Happy graduation! I'm so proud of you, I'm so sorry I couldn't be there :( Shoko, you are one of my bestest friends. I love you so much. Being one of the only two girls at jujutsu tech was hard but you made it so much easier. I know we've been through lots of tough times. Thank you for sticking by me through them. I promise you that I will never leave your side. I know there's the added company of Satoru and the kids but every Christmas, every new year, every birthday, I will drag them all to be with you. Because you're Aunt Shoko!! And you're one of the most precious parts of my life and this may be selfish of me but I'm not letting that go. You're gonna be a great doctor! I'm rooting for you, always!

Shoko huffed a laugh, smiling, muttered to herself, "Stupid."

Tsumiki raised an eyebrow at her change of mood. Shaking her head, Shoko pocketed her phone, looking down at Tsumiki. "Let's head back. Y/N might be here soon."

As she sat next to Satoru, she tilted her head at his frown. "Y/N text you, yet?" Satoru raised a brow at her. "She finished her mission. Sent me a whole essay."

Satoru quickly fished out his phone, and he sighed in relief as he saw your text.

I wish I was there too. But Satoru, you know I'm proud of you right? And you know I love you? Because right now and I think forever you're going to be my person. And if you're gonna be my person, that means we go through everything together, the highs and lows. I don't know what you're thinking all the time, and I don't know what graduation is like today. But whether it's a high or a low, at the end of the day Megumi and Tsumiki are there to make it better. And at the end of the day - or very early in the day - we'll all be home, sleeping under one roof. And I think with our little found family, that's all we need. What I'm trying to say is thank you for everything Satoru. Thank you for being my person and thank you for bringing the kids into our lives. I know I've said a lot of what I want to say to you before but I will never not thank you for being yourself. Because I don't know what I would do without you. You're not just the strongest to me. You're Satoru, my Satoru. Please stay that way for as long as you can. I love you. Congrats on your graduation!

"She's so dumb," Satoru chuckled as he covered his face with his hands, leaning back in his chair.

Shoko couldn't tell if he was hiding tears or a smile.

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