Head Hurts!

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Satoru hated this feeling.

Ever since Suguru's rampage, he hated going on missions alone, missions that were assigned specifically for him as a special grade sorcerer. Every detail about this specific one just kept Suguru fresh in his memory. Well, of course it did, because the elders had said that they assumed the person who caused the mass murder of this village was probably the exiled sorcerer himself.

It had made Satoru's chest hurt thinking about it, so much so that when he stepped out onto the scene of the crime, he let out a sigh of relief despite the destruction around him. Whatever or whoever had hurt this village and the people, was not Getou Suguru.

Satoru let out an annoyed sigh. The elders had just assumed it was Suguru, either because they wanted to blame everything onto him or because they knew it would tick Satoru off. Maybe it was both. Either way, the elders did successfully tick him off. But he reeled it in.

Suguru had very obvious cursed energy residuals - or at least, Satoru found them obvious. Some people may assume it was because Satoru just knew his best friend - or ex best friend - that well, but Satoru could use plain logic to explain the phenomenon. Suguru had different cursed energy residuals from others, because it was multiple sources of cursed energy that mixed together due to the nature of Suguru's powerful technique.

Satoru trudged through the village, through the bloodstained windows, and dead bodies, as he walked towards the strongest source of cursed energy he could sense. It was probably just some powerful curse, he guessed. Nothing that he couldn't take care of, nothing that would affect his day much.

But the state of the village was hard to ignore, as much as he tried to.

Satoru told himself that he was just tired, that he'd had a very long few days of constant work and that he hadn't properly talked to you or the kids over the phone in a while. But his eyes stung, and most of all his head hurt, and he guessed that it wasn't just the little things that were taking a toll on him anymore.

"Maybe you're frying your brain?" Shoko suggested, when Satoru had visited her apartment in the middle of the night, in clear pain. He was laid out on the couch, covering his face with a dark towel that Shoko threw at him. When she'd turned the lights on, he'd winced, so she turned them back off, instead using the flashlight of her phone to get through her house.

Her suggestion couldn't be true. Satoru was too confident in his ability for that.

"Where's your boyfriend?" Satoru grumbled, as he tried to ignore the pounding of his head.

Shoko shrugged. "He was called in for something. Left in a rush. You're lucky he's not here."

"You mean you're lucky," he corrected, before grunting in pain as Shoko shined her flashlight in his face and it peeked through his perfect blacked out view. "Just diagnose me already!"

"You act like it's that easy," Shoko grumbled, grabbing some painkillers in her pantry. "You're a special case, mister six eyes. I'm guessing that's what's affecting you."

"Huh?" He grumbled, as he peeked his head out from under the towel, keeping his eyes scrunched up still.

"Unlike the rest of us, your brain is constantly overloaded with information. Yeah, you can handle it for the most part, but when you go on back to back missions, it's a bit harder for your brain to handle it and the sensory overload gets to you with migraines, I think. I mean, I know you already wear the sunglasses to block off all the cursed energy you can see, but I think when you use your technique in battles, you're gonna have to use something other than the glasses."

"Okay," Satoru sighed, taking the painkillers and water that Shoko offered, before falling back on her couch and covering his eyes.

"Oi," Shoko huffed. "I have a boyfriend coming back eventually, and you have a girlfriend and kids waiting for you at home. Can you go back to them instead of crashing on my couch?"

After a moment, Satoru groaned and got up. "Thanks for the help doc."

"No problem," Shoko nodded, before helping Satoru out the door with a gentle shove. She closed her door, before hurrying to her phone and shooting you a quick text.

Come pick up your future husband from my apartment complex. He might fall over on the road.

Your phone pinged during an assignment, which was thankfully fairly close to where Shoko lived. Sighing, you closed your eyes, and focused on the images of the location before summoning a clone. Opening your eyes again, you sighed in relief, as it seemed to be nowhere near you.

Taking a seat on a bench nearby, you kept your finger bent, and switched over to your clone's body.

Satoru's perplexed face made you giggle. "Where'd you come from?"

"Your dreams," you grinned up at him, before tilting your head as you observed his face. "Lift up your glasses for me."

Satoru raised an eyebrow at you. "If you missed my face that much, you could just say so."

"Come on," you urged.

Sighing, Satoru slipped his glasses off, running a hand over his face to try and make it look more put together than he actually felt. Frowning, you reached up to caress his face, brushing your thumbs under his eyes.

"You seem tired," you whispered. "What's wrong?"

"A lack of seeing my girlfriend, a lack of sleep," Satoru listed, before shaking his head. "My head's been killing me too."

"Is it because of your eyes?" You asked, softly. You brought a hand up to smooth over his furrowed eyebrows. Melting into your hands, Satoru nodded, huffing out, "Yes."

"Let's get you home, and we'll try to sleep, okay?" You suggested, keeping your voice low. "We'll figure out how to make this better for you, yeah? Let's add some better sunglasses to your collection, maybe? It'd be a nice excuse to go out, huh?"

Satoru hummed in agreement to all your suggestions, letting his head fall on your shoulder before you could begin to move. He knew this wasn't you. Well, it was, but the moment he put his head on your shoulder, it felt like his head was on fire, because this wasn't you. It was your stupid clone, and all Satoru wanted was to be cuddled up in bed with you. The real you.

"Where's your real body?" Satoru asked, lifting up his head. "Let's get to it quickly."

Huffing out a chuckle, you nodded in agreement, trying to take his hand.

He pulled away.

This wasn't you. He wanted you.

Understanding, you sighed and pulled your hand back, a small smile on your face as you looked over at the frown tugging on his lips. "You're adorable, you know that?"

Satoru looked at you quickly, before looking straight ahead, rolling his eyes. "Of course I do."

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