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Jujutsu Tech didn't have school terms in the same way that others did; you had school all year long essentially. However this summer month, you were allowed a bit of a break because of the kids who were under your care.

It was back to school time for the kids, and you now too since you could be assigned on more missions if the kids weren't constantly at home.

"We can go alone," Megumi had insisted to you and Satoru, as you both began packing the kids bags for schools. You expected that behaviour from Megumi, but even Tsumiki was protesting at you coming along, as she followed you around, insisting that she could pack the bags instead.

"Is there something you guys wanna tell us?" Satoru asked, as Tsumiki jumped to try and get her backpack out of Satoru's arms. It was an impossible task, which made Satoru realize how desperate she was.

"Is it 'cause you think kids are gonna feel weird about us not being your actual parents?" You asked softly, as you stopped rushing around the house.

Both kids shook their heads furiously. "It's not that," Tsumiki said firmly. "But..."

She trailed off, and before you or Satoru could ask, Megumi sighed and came out with it. "You guys are teenagers."

Comically, both of your heads tilted at the same time. "Yeah," Satoru said. "So?"

Megumi huffed, unable to believe that you were as dumb as Satoru. "So," he emphasized. "Everyone will be judging you two. Teen parents and all."

The two of you - comically - came to a realization at the same time, too. But, much to Megumi's displeasure, you laughed it off. "We're just dropping you off. And we can explain our situation, if anyone is curious."

"The situation of Satoru coming to collect us because Megumi's dad tried to sell him?" Tsumiki asked.

Satoru chuckled at her innocence, but you chose to explain properly. "No. The situation of my cousin leaving his kids to me in his will, and me letting my boyfriend help to take care of them."

"Sure, the real story is the opposite," Satoru interjected. "But 'cause you guys are actually related, and there's more legal documents to back that up, that's our story."

Both you and Satoru continued to get things ready - the kids clothes, their lunches, things like that. Tsumiki smiled at how domestic it was, but Megumi's thoughts were still about how school would actually be like. He never liked school. Usually, he had to hide the fact that he didn't have parents, an extremely difficult task.

But somehow lying about his new teenaged guardians was worse.

The four of you definitely got stares as you walked into the school. Megumi wasn't shocked that Satoru could hold his head up high, not at all affected by the stares he was getting - he was definitely used to it.

You, less used to the attention, seemed to be a bit more hesitant but held your head up high as well. He didn't know how you were doing it - while Satoru was getting many people staring at him, shocked by his looks, you were getting most of the judgmental looks.

Megumi didn't like it one bit. If both of you had to come, he'd rather it be the other way around.

You entered the office, a smile on your face despite the weird look the secretary shot you. "We're here to finalize the transfers of Tsumiki and Megumi Fushiguro."

"Fushiguro?" The secretary repeated, looking from the kids and then back to you and Satoru. "And how do you spell that?" You spelled it out for them and right after she asked for your name. "Y/N Zenin." She raised an eyebrow. "Your relation to the children? Are you their sister... or mother?"

A very judgmental look. Megumi glared up at the secretary. He was too short for her to notice it though. "I'm their aunt," you replied, unfazed.

Satoru put an arm around your shoulder, looking down at the secretary. "It's a very long and complicated story, one we're only gonna waste time explaining to the principal. Y/N and I are very busy people, so can we get a move along?"

"Are you a...? Another child?" She guessed, after much struggle.

Satory gasped dramatically. You chuckled awkwardly, putting a hand on his chest. "He's the legal guardian of the kids."

"And your name?"

"Satoru Gojou. They signed up for school with their previous temporary guardian, Masamichi Yaga."

"Ah, these are his kids," the secretary nodded, finally understanding. "Why would he send you two kids here? To torture you?"

"Probably," you smiled, forced. He probably wanted to torture Satoru - or just give him adult responsibilities, but that put you in the cross fire and ultimately failed because you took the adulting task off of him.

She led you into the principals' office. He was an old man, which made you hold your breath; just what you wanted- Satoru definitely would not fuck this up.

Even Megumi and Tsumiki felt the dread you did. Satoru didn't do well with old people.

"Good morning!" The principal smiled. "Take a seat!"

Satoru did so as if this was his home. He fell back in his seat while you were a bit more stiff, eyeing Satoru cautiously. Megumi and Tsumiki walked to the seats in the back corner.

"So, Mr.Yaga did fill me in on your... um, situation," he said. "So I've taken the liberty of explaining it to your children's teachers. It's to save both of you from any, well, judgement."

You chuckled. "Too bad we can't explain it to everyone."

"Oh yes," the principal agreed. "I'm sure you've gotten some judgement already."

"It doesn't matter," Satoru waved him off. "The kids are set though right? Got their classes and what not?"

"Yes, all of that has been organized. One of our teachers is waiting to pick them up and take them to class so the two of you can head on home! Or to school..."

"Oh that's alright!" You smiled. "Satoru and I would like to meet their teachers, so we can take them to class."

Megumi watched the principals reaction carefully. It was obvious that he was trying to get you and Satoru to leave without causing a commotion. Maybe he didn't want rumours about his school having two kids that have teen aged parents. Or maybe he wanted to save Megumi and Tsumiki from the questions that would come from them having teen aged parents.

"I think you should just come pick us up today!" Tsumiki said, looking down at the watch Satoru had bought her when they went back to school shopping.

You looked back at her wearily, but Tsumiki's smile was as bright as ever. "Didn't you say you had a big assignment today? I think you should get ready for that! We'll see you after school anyways."

Frowning, you ended up relenting and agreeing. Satoru didn't care too much, but he was glad he could spend some alone time with you.

"You think they'll be okay?" You whispered to him as the kids walked away with a teacher. Tsumiki started chatting with her already.

"You worry too much," Satoru answered, putting his arm around your shoulder. "They'll be just fine."

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