Girls Night!

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You hadn't done this for a while. Giggling as Mei twirled you around, moving you to the dance floor with her as Utahime and Shoko, ever the women who loved to drink, stayed by the bar.

The four of you had never gone out often, considering the fact that you and Shoko were both minors prohibited from drinking. But Mei had connections and money, two things she used to get all of you into the best scenes of nightlife in Shibuya. Most people here were young as well, possibly even younger, getting in and drinking the same way you all were.

Being underage drinkers as jujutsu sorcerers isn't that uncommon. In all honesty, you only ever drank when Shoko really needed a buddy - which had only been a recent development (was almost two years ago really recent anymore?).

You'd always watched Satoru in awe, the way he was able to resist liquor. He was so responsible, you thought, despite it being hard for many people (sometimes yourself, as well) to see him that way. When you gave him a chance, or even just noticed the small things, you could see that he took his job of protecting others seriously.

"Stop thinking!" Mei yelled at you, a knowing look in her eyes as she smirked. "I don't care what you're thinking about, just don't think about it! Focus on this, come on!"

You laughed, and did as she pushed you, focusing on the songs and singing along with her, dancing until your feet and arms were aching, being pushed and pushing along the crowds. It wasn't the most comfortable situation, but clutching onto Mei's hand helped you feel safer.

"Oh my god," Mei grinned, seemingly spotting something behind you. Your head whipped around in curiosity. "Utahime's getting hit on!"

"You're kidding!" You chuckled, stretching your neck out to try and look past the taller people who were covering your view. You'd been very giggly after your first drink, Mei had noticed. She kept her grip on your hand, tight, before weaving through the crowd and heading over to Shoko and Utahime.

Shoko covered her mouth, hiding a laugh, as she acted like she didn't know Utahime, amused by the situation. Utahime hated being hit on. Which was why, it was much funnier when it happened to her - as long as the guy wasn't a sleaze.

At this point she was the most drunk of the entire group - Shoko handled her drinks very well, and Mei didn't drink, preferring to keep a clear head around people. You'd only had one drink, which was enough to make you slightly tipsy, but Utahime was not as careful.

Utahime seemed to be receptive to this man, but that was only because she wasn't sober enough to tell him not to waste her time. Shoko gasped, as she whispered - well, yelled, in your ear. "It's a miracle!"

"Yeah!" You agreed, yelling back with a grin, but Mei looked over the entire group. Shoko seemed to have had enough drinks, and you seemed to begin getting drowsy, despite your cheery nature. Utahime wouldn't shut up about it if you and Shoko told her about this tomorrow morning - or god forbid - show her pictures you could have taken, and Mei didn't want to deal with that.

As she began to round you all up, she earned protests, as expected. But she pulled Shoko away from the bar - "I have better alcohol at home, I'll bring you some tomorrow." She took Shoko's hand and placed yours in it, so the more level headed one could lead you outside. Mei practically swung Utahime on her back, sighing as Utahime babbled about you all not allowing her to get laid.

To say it was a long night was an understatement. By two in the morning, whatever drunk high everyone was on had simmered down. The place of resort ended up being Utahime's apartment, since it was the nearest place to go to and Mei didn't want to waste her money on gas.

Shoko sighed as Utahime struggled to find her keys, pulling the drunks' hands up and grabbing the keys out of the pockets herself. After making her drink some water and eat a light snack, you had carried her off to bed.

As you sighed, running your hand over your face, falling back on the couch next to Shoko, Mei chuckled. "Your one free night and you still had to put someone to bed."

"I know, I was supposed to relax, but all I am is exhausted," you huffed, letting your head fall down on Shoko's shoulder. "Remind me not to agree to another night out until the kids' are in high school."

"You're in highschool," Shoko huffed. "Do you really want to put up with raising Satoru's kids for the rest of your life?"

Shoko said that so casually, with no accusatory tone, that the entire sentence and what she was implying almost flew over your head. You raised your head slowly, raising a brow. "What?"

"I mean..." Shoko sighed, trying to think of the nicest way to say anything to you with four drinks in her system. Her usual tolerance for being a people pleasing person was pretty much gone so she was struggling. "I would be tired. I don't know how you're doing it."

"I don't know," you muttered. "I'm just... can I be honest?"

Mei and Shoko nodded, giving you their undivided attention. Taking a deep breath, you huffed out. "I feel like I've lost my teenage years, you know?"

"What do you mean?"

All of your heads turned to look at Utahime, who was slumped against the wall of the hallway. Sighing, you stood up and brought her to the couch. "You're supposed to be asleep."

"What do you mean?" She repeated. Utahime was the only one here who would want you to elaborate. Mei and Shoko were fine taking what you said and burying it deep in their heads. They'd watch over you, make sure you weren't burnt out but they wouldn't involve themselves in every detail of your issues. Utahime, however, was preferred to dissect, to solve and to help.

You shrugged. "I don't know," you sighed, yet again. "I don't get to go out as often as Shoko does. After I finish my own homework I have to think about helping Tsumiki and Megumi with theirs and then cleaning the apartment. When I wake up in the morning, I have to get everyone under that roof ready. That shouldn't be my life, right? I should focus on myself, have a bit more freedom. But I can't. I don't. I'm raising two kids at the age of nineteen with my twenty year old boyfriend who I've only been dating for two years yet we're acting like a couple in their thirties. It's just ... it shakes me up when I think about it."

"Clearly," Shoko huffed.

"I don't mind helping with the kids, you know?" Mei offered. "As long as the payment is fair."

"I'm too tipsy," you grumbled, getting up. "Do you mind if I sleep on the couch Hime..." As you glanced down at her, you shook her head. She was fast asleep on the couch now.

"You go to the bed," Shoko said, standing up. "You deserve it. I'll put her to bed on the couch and stop by Satoru's apartment to make sure he's okay with the kids."

"You'd do that for me?" You gasped. Shoko nodded and you almost kissed her in happiness. "Thank you, thank you, thank you !"

"I'll drive you," Mei offered, standing up as well, before looking over at you. "You're good watching over Utahime?"

You nodded and soon the two were out, leaving you home alone with Utahime. Looking over at her, you smiled. She looked peaceful when she was asleep which was surprising because her usual awake moods consisted of mad or scared.

You were quick to fall asleep on her bed. The second you laid down and closed your eyes, you were out. You hadn't even noticed you'd fallen asleep until you'd gotten up.

16 missed calls from Toru 💙

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