Cute Satoru!

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You were in a state of shock the entire walk home.

So much so, that during the entire walk, despite the weird looks, you didn't notice anything.

The minute you put the key through the door, the jingling sound caught Tsumiki and Megumi's attention, and they both sat up straighter, eagerly expecting you or Satoru - well, Megumi had a feeling it was you, considering the fact that usually he could tell it was Satoru at the door even before the man began to obnoxiously ring the doorbell (despite having the keys).

When you stepped inside, you immediately saw the kids, and shot them a smile. "Hey, you guys, miss me?"

The two didn't answer, instead gaping at you. "What's wrong?" You tilted your head as you reached up to your face. "Is something on my fa..." Trailing off, you traced the wet tears on your face. As you felt your vision blur, you realized.

You'd been crying your entire walk here. And it seemed as though you still were.

You chuckled, wiping your eyes harshly. "Sorry guys, I hope this isn't worrying you or anything..." Megumi and Tsumiki glanced at each other before looking at you again. They were clearly worried. "I don't know what's wrong with my eyes right now..."

"Y/N, it's okay if you're crying," Tsumiki said softly, getting off of her seat on the couch and walking over to you. You shook your head as you took off your shoes.

"No, no, I'm really not! My eyes are just stinging - I should've realized water was coming out... I'll just head into the bathroom and try to stop it from burning, you two keep watching tv, yeah?"

Tsumiki nodded as you hurried into the bathroom, locking the door for you since you'd forgotten in your haste. She looked back at Megumi, who was frowning, staring at the bathroom door. "Do you think she'll be okay?" She whispered as she walked over to him.

Megumi frowned. "I don't know... maybe Gojo will know what to do."

Tsumiki forced a smile. "Yeah! He always does!"

On the other side of the door, in the bathroom, you'd fell down to the floor, holding your hand over your mouth as choked sobs came out. The entire experience in the disciplinary pit had been a blur, you had thought, but clearly your brain was doing something to make your eyes still cry.

But this was nothing, the pit used to be much worse when you didn't know how to use your cursed technique.

You'd used four clones to beat the cursed spirits. You'd used one to try and pull the bindings at your hand or the blindfold over your eyes, but something was keeping it binded to your face. So instead, all of your cloned forms had to continue to watch your real body struggle with the restraints.

You wished they had restrained your fingers as well, at this point.

Tsumiki bit her nails, unable to focus on whatever was happening on television. Megumi stared, but didn't process anything. He wondered if he should call Gojo.

Thankfully, soon he felt a presence.

Megumi ran to the door before he could obnoxiously ring the doorbell.

He opened the door quickly to see Satoru grinning to himself, his finger hovering over the doorbell. His face morphed into slight shock as he looked down at Megumi. Then he pouted, "Oh, come on, I wanted my fun."

"Y/N is crying."

From all his happy expressions, Megumi was surprised at how quickly Satoru's expression could become so clouded. His playful pout turned into a frown, but he forced a tight lipped smile just as quickly, lightly pushing Megumi aside.

Shutting the door behind him and kicking off his shoes, Satoru looked over at Tsumiki, who mouthed, "In the bathroom." He gave Tsumiki a thumbs up before walking over carefully. Megumi went back over to Tsumiki. "Did you put away his shoes properly?"

Megumi frowned. "Why do I have to do that?"

"Because he's helping Y/N. That means whatever we do to help him right now, is also helping Y/N," Tsumiki said, guilting him. Successfully.

Megumi rolled his eyes and went to put away Satoru's shoes properly.

Satoru knocked on the bathroom door softly. "Hey, Y/N? Are you alright?"

Your heart stopped at his voice, and you quickly got up, wiping your face, grabbing toilet paper to dab at your eyes and quietly blow your snot into.

"Yeah!" You called out, quickly going over a practiced smile in the mirror. "Just... give me a second!"

"Can I come in?" Satoru asked. "Please?"

His voice was soft. Inviting. Everything else, but mostly comforting. Especially after all the people you had to see and deal with today. Not to mention, the hours of being in the disciplinary pit; your least favourite place in your least favourite place.

Sighing, you unlocked the door. Satoru hesitated until you called him inside.

He shut the door behind him, locking it again, frowning at your red eyes and the bunched up tissue in your hand that you were throwing out as he came in.

"You could've called me," he whispered as you took a seat on the toilet.

You chuckled. "I would've, but I don't even remember the walk here that well."

Satoru grit his teeth, taking a seat opposite to you, on the edge of the bathtub. "What did they do?" He knew where you were going, and while he didn't like it, he knew you could handle it. He didn't want you to, but you were insistent on going. And unfortunately, with the case of the Zenin's, Satoru would just make things worse.

You shrugged, sniffling. "They're just all... terrible. All of them are so terrible."

"I know," Satoru nodded, nudging your foot with his. "You really don't have to go when they call you, you know? I can always arrange something. Or just tell them to leave you the fuck alone."

You giggled at that. Satoru grinned. But your smile dropped slowly as you shook your head. "I want that, don't get me wrong. But I'm just..." You huffed. "I don't know."

"Not ready for it?" Satoru asked, tilting his head.

You looked up at him. A concentrated pout pulled at his lips. His eyebrows were furrowed, slightly, and he was looking at your red, puffy eyes the entire time, you realized. You chewed at your lip. "Exactly."

You held out your hand, and he quickly brought both of his up to hold yours. "I have you. I'll be okay. It's not like before."

Satoru nodded, concentrating on your eyes as he made his next claim. "I'll never let it be like before."

You grinned. "You're so cute, Satoru."

Satoru was taken aback by that, a blush quickly rising up his cheeks and ears. But he recovered fast, squeezing your hands as he hung his head down. "That's my line, sweetie."

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