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With Satoru being gone on longer missions, stretching for multiple days, things tended to get more quiet.

The loudest person in your home was now Tsumiki - and she was really only loud when Satoru was around, to match his never ending energy. You were fidgety without Satoru coming to bed with you. The past few mornings you had been reaching out to find him, only to slap his pillow lightly before waking up completely and realizing that he wasn't here.

Even Megumi was affected. Satoru slept well when he could, but he didn't get the opportunity to on most days. Whenever Megumi got up to get some water in the middle of the night, summoning a divine dog to come with him because he may have been slightly scared of the dark, Satoru would get up as well, and help him out (even though he didn't need help).

The past few nights had been filled with silent water trips, only the noise of his dogs slightly whimpering when they realized Satoru wouldn't be coming.

The three of you had waited by your phone, expecting a call for about an hour, but none had came. Instead it was a quick text.

Sorry guys :( smth came up but I'll try to call tmrw ILY

The kids frowned, so you patted them on the back and promised to make hot chocolate before bed, despite being pretty exhausted yourself. While making the hot chocolate, Nanami had called you.

You answered quickly.

"Hey Nana," you grinned.

"Don't become as annoying as Gojo, please call me by name."

"Okay, okay," you chuckled. "It's pretty late, what're you calling me for?"

"I can't just check in on you?" Nanami retorted.

"You can," you huffed. "It's just not like you. Are you alright?"

"I'm fine," he answered, pausing for a moment. "Gojo's not home right?"

"Yeah, still on his mission. Why, you worried about me? Think I'm lonely?"

"Absolutely not," he said. "Shoko is free tomorrow too and invited me out for drinks but... I thought you three would benefit from getting out."

"You're inviting the kids for drinks?" You asked, raising a brow.

"We'll go somewhere family friendly where the only alcoholics are the parents," Nanami said. "We'll help you take care of those two - really, they'll distract themselves won't they? You can interact with adults again. It's been a while, right?"

"It's only been three days - oh, you were dissing Satoru. Well," you paused, thinking about it. But did you really have to? "Yeah, let's go out."

So that's how you found yourself in an indoor trampoline park.

"Couldn't you have gotten a babysitter?" Shoko huffed, leaning back in her chair as she chewed her gum.

"So we could've come to bounce on the trampolines ourselves?"

"Haha, very funny."

Nanami rolled his eyes. "Let's go get some food."

Shoko shook her head, standing up as she raised her eyebrows at Nanami, who quickly looked away from her. "I'll do it, I need to go for a walk anyway. You guys... talk."

You raised a brow at her as she walked away. "What's she being so ominous for?" You asked, looking over at Nanami, who was uncharacteristically picking at his nails. "Kento...?"

"I have something to tell you," he said, taking in a deep breath.

You hesitated. "...okay? You know you don't have to be nervous to talk to me, right?"

"I know," he nodded. "Look... you know what you're doing right? After we graduate?"

"Yeah, I guess," you answered, scratching your neck. "I'll move in with Satoru properly and... I'll tell my family about us. So I might be disowned officially, but I'll keep going on as many missions as possible. Why? Do you still not know?"

"No, I do," Nanami said, shaking his head. "I've made up my mind."

"Oh yeah?" You asked, smiling. "What is it?"

"I'm quitting."

You raised your eyebrows. "Sorry?"

"I don't want to be a sorcerer. I'm going to get some office job in the city and live as normal of a life as I can." Nanami bit the inside of his cheek at the look on your face. "It's not a sudden, on the spot decision, if that's what you're thinking. I've been contemplating this since... since Yu was killed."

You bit your lip. "Why didn't you tell me then...? If you've been thinking about this for that long?" You chuckled, no humour to your tone. "Might've been an easier pill to swallow, if you had."

Nanami frowned. "You've been busy."

"You're blaming the fact that I'm busy?" You asked, narrowing your eyes on him. "We see each other more than I see Satoru, most weeks. You can't say that."

"I didn't mean, like, physically," Nanami defended. "You have a lot on your mind. I don't want to add to that."

"And you think that throwing this on me suddenly isn't going to put a lot on my mind? Did you think this would ease my worries, or something?"

"Why are you mad?" Nanami huffed. "I thought you'd be somewhat supportive. I'm leaving a life you desperately want to leave as well"-

"Well, have you not thought that you're leaving me in it then? That when you leave, you're leaving me behind? If you're cutting yourself off from jujutsu, you're cutting off everything and everyone involved in it, no? You're leaving like a coward, just like"-

"Yeah, go ahead, compare me to him, it's a compliment to me," Nanami's nostrils flared at your insult. He clenched his jaw. "Have you not thought that our jujutsu worlds are completely different? Sure, it's easier for me to leave than it is for you, but it's not only because the Zenin's are on your tail. It's because you have something that makes you want to stay. You have a whole family."

"They're your family too!" You insisted.

He shook his head, crossing his arms. "It's different, and you know it."

You glared at him. "Am I not close enough with you to be considered family then?"

Shoko came just as Nanami was about to answer, and you shook your head, getting up. "I'm going to get the kids."

Shoko put the pizza box in her hands on the table, as you stormed off. She looked down at Nanami. "I'm assuming it didn't go over well?"

Nanami stood up. "I'm going to take my leave."

Shoko sighed. "You should try to talk it out"-

"I already did," Nanami grumbled, before taking his coat and taking his leave.

EXAMS ARE OVERRAHHHHHH (also short chapter but I can finally get back to writing without worrying abt school thank goodness)

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