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Tsumiki slammed a pile of loose papers on the table.

Megumi was out right now, buying the girl a binder.

She sat at the head of the table - well, more like stood. To be at proper eye level with everyone around the table, she had to stand up on the chair to exert her power.

Her audience wasn't as passionate as she was. Nanami and Shoko sat on her right side, while Mei Mei and Utahime sat on her left. They were happy for you (and Gojo, as an after thought) but they were fine with the two of you eloping, like normal sorcerors. Weddings took up too much time and energy, two things that sorcerers like them couldn't waste.

"Weddings need lots of care. And love. And planning. And all of us - plus Gumi - are on Gojo and Y/N's wedding planning team!" Tsumiki exclaimed. She looked out on their very bored expressions - she was used to it from Nanami and Shoko, but even Mei Mei looked disinterested. And Utahime was staring down at her lap.

"Our first order of business, is enthusiasm."

Nanami sighed. That wasn't his strong suit.

Tsumiki frowned, crossing her arms. "How are Gojo and Y/N going to have the best last minute wedding ever, if you all don't have the passion and care that I do, huh?"

"We do care," Utahime sighed. "But this is an at home wedding in their annoyingly large apartment... there's not much we have to do, Tsumi"-

Tsumiki groaned. "No! This is the problem! You're all too... too... Nanami, what's the word?"

"For what?"

"For when you're always in a bad mood and you're never happy... Gojo calls you it..."


"Exactly!" Tsumiki nodded, punching a fist in her palm. "A fabulous wedding like this one can't go on if you're pessimitic!"

"Pessimistic," Nanami corrected.

Tsumiki sighed, gesturing to Nanami. "I mean, I expect pemisticsness from Megumi and Nanami, but the rest of us have passion! We have spirit! And we love Y/N! So we will make this wedding her most awesomest wedding ever! Because weddings only come once!"

Shoko opened her mouth to make one of those pessimistic comments that Tsumiki clearly hated, but Utahime kicked her leg from under the table.

"Alright Tsumiki," Mei Mei smiled. "You have our spirits up for this wedding. Now, let's get on to the first order of business."

Tsumiki nodded, rifling through her papers. Everyone at the table looked at her, and each other, warily. How was she going to find what she needed-?

"Alright!" Tsumiki took out a paper. "First, we need a theme! Any ideas?"

"A... theme?" Nanami questioned.

Shoko nodded. "Like how is it going to feel, basically?"

Utahime frowned. "I feel like a bad friend... I have no idea what Y/N would want."

"Well... we could list out themes and then cross them off, as we think about it?" Mei Mei offered.

Tsumiki nodded, flipping through her papers, until she found her list. Sliding it over to Mei Mei, she explained. "I narrowed it down to fifty, from this top 100 list I found."

Nanami had never been so flabbergasted. "There was a top 100 list for wedding themes?"

Shoko scratched her head. "Can we not just go down the classic road? White wedding dress, black tie, gelled back hair, three layer cake. Stuff we know."

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