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"New year, new decade!" Was all Tsumiki could seem to go on about during the last few days of the year. It was true. 2010 was upon you, and Tsumiki was extremely hyper about it.

"You know," Tsumiki said as she munched at her cereal. "At the end of this decade, I'm going to be ten years older?!" Megumi nodded, uninterested. She counted the years on her fingers. "I'm going to be ... 18 years old! And Megumi, you'll be 17 years old! We'll be teenagers!"

Being a teenager wasn't all that glamorous, but you were kind enough to let her dream.

"Imagine if she was alive when Y2K happened," Satoru muttered as he passed you the dishes he'd washed. You laughed loudly as you dried them.

"You know, Miki asked me if we could go see the stars on New Year's Eve... but I think it's raining tomorrow..."

"Are you kidding me?" Satoru grinned. "I've been waiting for this moment!"

You raised an eyebrow at him, and he shook his head, looking down at the dishes in his hand. "Just wait until tomorrow night... you'll see."

Tsumiki's eyes were as bright as the stars she couldn't see in the sky.

You gasped when you entered the home as well. Satoru had taken you all out to a restaurant before coming home. When you entered, he kept the lights off, so that you could all marvel at the glow in the dark star tour that your home had turned into.

"Take off your shoes," Satoru reminded them. "And follow the stars!" The kids kicked their shoes off before running into their room. Well, it was more like Tsumiki grabbed Megumi's arm and pulled him along. You heard Tsumiki gasp loudly as she went inside.

Megumi was just as mesmerized. A lot of kids just had these stars hung up in their rooms, but seeing it across the house on the last day of the year, on the last day of a decade that had been filled with years of heartache and longing... it was more than nice.

As Tsumiki jumped on her bed and began to count the stars, Megumi poked his head out of their room. He stared at Satoru, seemingly mustering up the courage to say something. Satoru grinned back at the boy quite cockily, already knowing what the boy was struggling to say.

"Thank you," Megumi spit out before closing the door.

Satoru chuckled to himself, before nudging your shoulder. "You like this, too?"

"It's great," you smiled, breathless as you looked around, before turning to him. "Thank you for doing this."

Satoru pulled you to the couch, falling back against it with you. He grabbed the tv remote and flipped to the news channel as they prepared for the New Year's Day countdown, muting the channel as you rested your head on his shoulder.

"This was the best decade of my life, y'know?"

You hummed, smiling. "Yeah? Tell me why."

"Well," Satoru grinned. "It all started when I started school"-

"Said no one ever."

"Said the strongest sorcerer ever," Satoru said back, making you roll your eyes. "Anyways, I met Shoko and then that dude with the weird bangs..." You chuckled, patting his thigh. "And we had a great first year, you know, I learned a lot... then in our second year, I met Nanami and this really cute kid - Haibara"-

You slapped his thigh this time, making him laugh. "He was adorable! You know I'm not wrong... anyways, I can't say that I met you because I met you a long time ago... and you know what? I feel really stupid that I met you not once, but twice in my lifetime and neither of those times did I figure out that you were the love of my life."

Your face heated up. You leaned into him further.

"You're making me embarrassed, Toru," you mumbled.

He rolled his eyes playfully. "Well, I'm sorry my love is embarrassing." He took a deep breath. "And you know... we went through a lot of hard times this decade, despite the fun stuff. But you were always with me... and I know this coming decade will be even better than the last because you'll be with me throughout the whole thing."

"Me and the kids," you reminded him.

"You and those fantastic kids," he grinned. "But maybe let's enjoy our alone time while we can, yeah?" Satoru asked, gliding his thumb across your hand. "I'm glad you're my girl."

Your head shot up, surprising even Satoru. His eyes widened as he grabbed onto your wrist. "What's wrong?!"

As you left your state of shock, you laughed, slapping his shoulder lightly. "You're so hot!"

"Well, I know that!"

"You're so annoying!"

"I agree with that less, but a lot of people say that, y'know?"

"So he agrees he's annoying?" Megumi asked as he walked into the living room. Satoru rolled his eyes as Megumi wiggled his way onto the couch, sitting next to you. Tsumiki ran in as well, jumping on Satoru and hugging him.

Satoru laughed as he hugged her back. "I take it you liked the stars."

"I loved the stars!" Tsumiki exclaimed, before turning around and taking a seat in Satoru's lap. "It's almost new years! It's the last few seconds of the decade!"

"Get ready for the countdown!" Satoru agreed, wrapping an arm around Tsumiki's stomach while he rested his chin on her shoulder. You draped your arm around Megumi's shoulder holding him close. Both you and Satoru used your free hands to hold each others'.

"Wait we have to cheers to something!" Tsumiki called out.

"Without drinks?" Megumi asked, eyebrows furrowing.

"Pretend cheers," you shrugged. "What do you want to cheer for, honey?"

"The best decade of our lives! Cause we have the best family ever!"

"That's a long toast," Satoru huffed.

"We can do it!" Tsumiki encouraged.

"Hey, watch it, 10 seconds!" Megumi called out.

Satoru squeezed your hand. You held Megumi closer. Tsumiki clapped her hands together.


"To the best decade of our lives!" Satoru cheered, raising up a pretend glass.

"And to the best family ever!" You added, doing the same.

You both brought together your fake glasses, laughing.

"And to the pretty stars!" Tsumiki added, bringing her hand up as well.

Megumi quietly brought up his hand as well. You all looked at him, expectant for a toast. He sighed, and muttered. "To the best parents I've ever had."

Your eyes widened and Satoru cooed loudly, trying to ruffle Megumi's hair as the boy swat Satoru's hand away. "The bar is low!" Megumi yelled in protest.

You pulled Satoru's hand down, chuckling, when you spotted Tsumiki yawn. "Time for bed now!"

"Why would you yawn, Miki?!"

"I'm sorry!"

"You're the one who wanted to stay up!"

"I said I'm sorry!"

(Ik it's mid-Jan but I hope your year has been going well so far! If not I hope it will get better from this point on)
(Also 20k! Yay! TYSM for the support on this fic I hope you like the upcoming chapters... it might get angsty.) 

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