Family Meeting!

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"I'm calling a family meeting!"

Satoru, in the middle of bringing up a cup of tea to his lips, paused. You, in the middle of trying to calm down the mane that could sometimes be Megumi's hair, also paused. Megumi raised a brow, as he turned his head. Even the dogs went quiet.

"A family meeting?" Satoru repeated, putting his cup down, before he walked over to Tsumiki. He picked her up, off of the coffee table she had decided to get up on to declare her decision. "What for?"

"I'll tell you when this family is seated around the dining table," Tsumiki huffed, stubborn.

Satoru sighed, glancing over at you, before nodding. "Whatever you say, Miki."

Once everyone had taken their seats, Tsumiki let out a deep breath. "I feel left out."

Immediately, you and Satoru perked up, taking this a lot more seriously than you were before. Your eyebrows furrowed. "Why?"

"Because," Tsumiki sighed, sitting back in her chair. "You're both always with Megumi, at your high school practicing all your magic stuff. I know that I'm the only one in this family who isn't magic, but I want to be a part of it, even if it's just a little."

"I know, Tsumiki, but..." Satoru chewed at his lips. "The stuff we do is dangerous."

Tsumiki crossed her arms, lifting up her chin. "Are you saying I'm not strong?"

"You're very strong," you reassured her, huffing out a laugh. You knew that in the way that Tsumiki almost always beat Megumi in a fight, despite his dogs backing him up. Satoru knew that in the way that weaker curses would shy away from Tsumiki as she held her head up high, walking towards the school. Megumi knew that because he was practically raised by his sister for a few years. Tsumiki was tough and she persevered. This family would never refute that.

But that didn't mean that they felt safe about letting her near the dangerous world of jujutsu.

No one spoke of it, but everyone had a similar vision as to what they wanted Tsumiki's future to look like. She would graduate among the highest of her classes, in elementary, middle and high school. She'd get into a good university, study whatever she wanted because she could, and pursue whatever dreams she had, as long as she didn't hurt others. She would meet up with the family now and again, and if she fell in love and got married, it would eventually reduce to not very often. And hey, even if Tsumiki cut off contact with the family, none of them would mind. Yes, it would hurt like nothing has ever hurt before, but even Megumi at his young age understood that the best thing for Tsumiki was to not get involved in jujutsu.

"So can't I just..." Tsumiki sighed, thinking for a moment. "I know I don't have the powers you all do, but can't I just come to the school with you? Can't you train me, like, physically? Show me some cool fighting moves I can learn?"

You glanced at Satoru, raising your eyebrows. Why not?

Satoru's face contorted, his eyebrows furrowing, his lips downturned. Are you kidding me?

You pressed your lips together. It could help her.

Satoru rolled his eyes, leaning back in his chair. Tsumiki could tell she had you convinced, and Megumi's opinion didn't matter. She looked at Satoru with anticipation, her leg bouncing in her chair.

Satoru let out a loud sigh and leaned against the table now. "Fine," he grumbled. Before Tsumiki could let out a cheer, he sat up straight again and glared at her through his glasses. "But no leaving our sight. You hold onto one of our hands the entire time. If Y/N and I aren't there, you stay around Megumi, because the dogs will protect you. Got that?"

Tsumiki rolled her eyes at the amount of rules Satoru had thrown her way. Ignoring them, but nodding, she agreed halfheartedly.

Satoru stood up, earning Tsumiki's more serious attention, as he looked down at her with the most serious expression he'd ever seen her wear. "I am completely serious, Tsumiki. Curses are dangerous. They'll kill you, if you're not with any of us. Do you understand?"

Tsumiki gulped, nodding more vehemently. "I understand."

You raised a brow at Satoru. You didn't think he took it that seriously, especially because if he were around, Tsumiki was guaranteed safety, from any curse, no matter the level. He ignored your questioning look, and sat back down, smiling.

"Alright! So we'll do some martial arts training when we head there tomorrow...!"

As Satoru rattled on about all the things he could teach the kids for martial arts, throwing in subtle brags about how proficient he is in it, you looked over at Tsumiki and her focused expression, with a soft smile. She was strong, and smart. She'd have fared well, even without anyone meddling into her life. But you were glad you and Satoru did, because she turned out all the better for it.

You'd always wished that she'd keep Satoru's words from that day in mind. 

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