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F1 wags + Lina

Linaaaaa when do you arrive to your apartment again?

I'm not sure but I think I should be home by like 2pm

You live near Max right? We're having a get-together with all the drivers and their girlfriends if you would like to join!

Lina please come there is so many people we can introduce you to.
It'll be so much fun!

I would love to join you guys!
what time is everyone meeting up?

I'm so glad you're coming I can't wait to finally
meet you!
I was told we were all meeting up at around 3
is that still right?

Yeah we're all meeting at 3 I'll send you the

I saw the address that Kelly had sent me and it was about a 8 minute walk away from my apartment. I looked at the time now and it was 1:48 and the taxi driver had told me that there was not much more time left to arrive at my complex. I looked out of the window to the beautiful scenery that welcomed me. I had grown up in Monaco but moved to London with my parents when I was around 14. Now that I was 22 and I had recently graduated uni I was looking forward to moving back to the place I called home.

As the taxi slowed to a stop in front of my building, I had gathered what I had with me and went to grab my bags from the trunk. After paying the driver I headed up the elevator to my new home.

"Are you just moving in?" a Man beside me asked.

I looked up and nodded. He seemed young, around my age and quite attractive.

"Ah well welcome to the building." He said with a smile which I returned as I got off on my floor.

As I walked around my apartment I made a call to Lily letting her know I arrived.

Lily and I had met when I was about 15 in London. She was there to do some golfing and I had been there to cheer on another friend of mine who wanted to go. Somehow during the day we talked and we instantly clicked. She had become my best friend and we became inseparable. Now that I was moving to Monaco, I would be able to see her a lot more often as her boyfriend lived here as well. When she met Alex and had started going to the races, she was really nervous so she'd asked me to tag along with her to keep her company when she wasn't with him. And although I've been to the many races, the only drivers I have met are Alex, Max, George, and Lando.

I quickly took a shower and started getting ready for the get-together. Lily had told me to come casually as it was just a normal gathering. I was nervous out of my mind but I told myself it'd be fun as I knew a few of the people there already. After I had finished doing my normal everyday makeup and hair I checked the time to see that it was now 2:40. I decided to waste some time on tiktok before actually heading out.


As I arrived to his door, I texted Lily to come and get me as I was nervous to walk in alone. While waiting for her I heard someone approaching.

"Yes I understand. I told you I was busy please stop calling me. No I- yes I get that and I'm sorry but- I'm already here at my friend's place just leave me alone for the night we'll talk tomorrow." the man said before hanging up the phone and looking at me. It was the man from the elevator from earlier.

"Oh hello, sorry about that." He said with a dry laugh.

"Hi, um you know max?" I asked.

"Yeah we race together-"

He was cut off by the door opening.

"I'm so sorry I got caught up in something- oh you've met Charles that's nice come on in guys! We're out on the patio." Lily said holding the door open for us to walk in.

"So you're friends with Lily?" Charles asked as he walked up next to me to lead me to where the patio was.

" Yeah we met a few years back she's like my sister. So where are you from?"

"I'm Monegasque, I grew up here in Monaco." He answers.

"That's so cool I'm also Monegasque! I moved away years ago and I decided to move back now." I said glad to meet another Monegasque who I can relate to.

"That's weird how we've never crossed paths until now. If you ever need someone to show you around all of the new places in Monaco let me know." He said as he handed me his phone so I could put my number in.

"Ahh Charles already making his move on our lovely Lina." Max said jokingly as he walked in from the patio and gave us both a hug.

"Hey Max is P here?" I asked after giving Charles his phone back.

"Yeah she's outside, she's been asking for Auntie Lina all day since she found out you were coming." He said with a laugh.

I walked outside and greeted everyone before finding Penelope.

"Hi beautiful girl!" I said swooping her up in my arms.

"Auntie Lina you took so long to get here I didn't think you'd come."

"You know I'd never miss out on hanging out with you. Now I'm gonna go say hello to everyone but I'll come back with you once I'm done." I said putting her done and fixing her hair.

As I walked around introducing myself to the drivers I haven't met and their partners I found myself sitting on a couch with Charles and Lily on either side of me. Lily was in her own world talking to Alex leaving me to talk to Charles.

"P seems to like you a lot." Charles said while looking at the young girl who ran in to get the new toy she got to show me.

"When I used to go to the races I used to help Kelly take care of her when she was busy or needed to help Max."

"I still find it weird that we never really met." Charles said looking at me.

"Oh um I don't know either Lily only really introduced me to the people we would run into that were close to her and Alex."

"I would've recognized seeing a pretty girl like you on the paddock though." He said with a smirk

I felt my whole face go hot and I looked away at the view as he laughed.

"Calm down there Leclerc this is only the first time we've met." I said putting my hands on my cheeks to try and hide the redness.

"Then I can't waste any time." He said with a wink before getting up to get a drink.

Oh my god what did I get myself into....

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