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A few days had passed and I sat my phone up and started another live. It flooded with viewers as I had gone MIA and it had not gone unnoticed.

"Hi everyone, I'm in the studio today. I'm gonna be writing some new music just wanted to stop by and chat for a bit." I said as i moved closer to read the comments.

user4628: aren't you still in Austria with Charles?

user5839: why'd you leave Charles in Austria?

user9472: are you in London?

"So i'm not gonna out where i am at this moment in time but yes i did leave Austria. Um i had some things i had to do so i left." I wasn't sure if i should tell them we were on a break or not. saying it out loud felt like confirming it was real.

user2847: didn't you just release an album?

"yes i did just release an album but just had a spark of inspiration that i couldn't ignore." i said laughing lightly.

shawnmendes: let's write together some time!

"omg hey Shawn yes i would be so down to work with you just text me and let me know when and where!"

shawnmendes: next time you're in the states then

I made a mental note to text Shawn after the live that I was in New York. I didn't want to say that I was already in the states on live. Since no one knew I was here, there wasn't a lot paparazzi surrounding my apartment building or the usual studio i go to. I was able to go about with my hats and scarves to cover my face. I could exist normally for a while until they caught on it was me. They would find out later anyways but I at least wanted to be home when they knew

*charlesleclerc joined the live!*

My heart sunk as i saw the name pop up on the screen. I tried to keep my face from showing any emotion as to not bring attention to anything.

"our break is over now so just have to get back to work but thank you for joining me today. i can't wait for you guys to hear all the new stuff. stay safe i love you guys. byeeee"

After ending the live i sat back in my chair. As if on cue my studio engineer came in along with the rest of my team.

"Our team reached out to Charles' team for the go ahead on the piano audio that he recorded with you and it was cleared. We're free to use it." my assistant stated.

"Okay so lets continue writing then shall we?"


I fell back on the my bed in exhaustion. We had spent almost 6 hours writing and recording today. It was only 5pm but i felt drained.

Sabrina was coming over later for a movie night so I decided to clean up around the apartment. There was still some confetti on the floor from the new years party. The polaroids we took were still hung on a wall by the front door. I had kept the ones of my friends up but I put the ones of Charles and I in a random drawer I never use.

I took a quick shower before getting comfortable in my pjs. As soon as I sat down on my couch I heard a knock on the door. I knew it was Sabrina and I let her in. I had to do a double take because her outfit was not fitting the movie night we had agreed on.

"So change of plans, we are going out tonight!"

"Sab i thought we were doing a night in. I mean i'm already in my pajamas and-"

"Which are perfect for getting ready now come on. I heard what happened and we don't need to be sitting here crying and watching some sad romance movie. You are 24 soon to be 25, you're still young! Now come on." She said as she dragged me into my room.

She took over the task of choosing something for me to wear while i did my makeup and hair as quickly as i could.

"wait so is it just going to be us? or who's all going?" i asked.

"well i texted Shawn to come since i saw the live and then i invited Nailea to come you'll love her she's so sweet and shes bringing some friends too."

"so people i don't know?"

"people you will LOVE after tonight trust me. i wouldn't take you if i didn't think it'd do you any bad."

I finished getting ready and we headed out the door. I hadn't had much time to think about what was going on but i didn't mind it. Maybe I did need to clear my head for a bit. A little fun never hurt anybody.

feels like - charles leclercWhere stories live. Discover now