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liked by: lilymhe, arthurleclerc, kellypiquet, and 462,572 others

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liked by: lilymhe, arthurleclerc, kellypiquet, and 462,572 others

catalina.jacquet: working hard or hardly working? new music soon <33


user4628: so this is why she hasn't been in the paddock
         |user5728: charles probably sent her away, he's tired of her already we can tell

lilymhe: i literally cannot wait to hear it all 😩
           |catalina.jacquet: next time we meet up i'll give you a sneak peek 🤫

arthurleclerc: charles has been non stop complaining that he misses you pls wrap
up soon so he can shut up 😁
           |catalina.jacquet: just a few more weeks, hang in there soldier 🫡

user6927: why aren't you watching the race

user5926: this girls posting meanwhile charles almost got taken out first lap smh

user9264: do you even care about him ?

As the comments started flooding my phone about charles, i was in the studio recording. It was the mexico gp and i had been wanting to take the weekend off to go but my schedule wouldn't allow it.

My producer cut me off telling me that i needed to come out. Panic filled my body as i came into the room.

"Is charles okay? what happened?"

"he's fine he's still racing but he did have an incident with another driver and we just thought you would want to know." my friend Valerie had told me.

"oh my god where's me my phone i need to call arthur." i searched for it before grabbing it and leaving the room to call arthur.

"Hey i was in the studio is he okay what happened?"

"he's fine he's not injured or anything. car has some damaged but he's good to continue racing. he's doing pretty well actually. it was just some contact with a driver, looked scarier than it turned out to be. don't worry about him too much." he explained.

"oh thank god. everyone kind of freaked me but im glad he's okay." i said letting out a sigh of relief.

"how's the music going?"

"we'll it's going. i have a few songs done a few more to go. we're still writing some but i should still be done in time for Vegas. and even if i don't i have a studio over there i can rent if i need to."

"well hurry up or something cause i can't take hearing another sigh or "i wish lina was here" "i miss lina" from charles im going to go insane."

"im sure you'll live," i laughed

"well thank you for letting me know what happened make sure to keep an eye on him for me please? and tell him to call me when he's free." I said before saying my goodbyes and hanging up.

I walked back into the studio and let them know that everything was fine and he was okay. I decided maybe that would be enough for the day as we had already been recording for some time and i had lost my rhythm with the shock of everything.

Truly im glad it wasn't anything terrible but the thought of something happening to him and me not being there for him scares me. Not being with him is already hard enough but this just makes me want to catch the next flight to him.

As i made it to my apartment i put the race on the tv so i could see where he finished. He ended up in p3 and i jumped up in happiness. This meant it'd take him a while to get to his hotel as he'd have to do more media and the podium but it didn't matter. After so many bad races it was nice to see him on the podium happier than ever.

It being later into the afternoon, i had already cleaned my apartment a bit before settling in my living room. I was writing in my song book when Charles called.

"Mon ange! je suis tres fier de toi."
my angel! i am so proud of you.

Charles smiled at the screen, his dimples showing perfectly.

"thank you mon amour, i didn't expect it after everything in the first lap. i wish you could've been here to see it." A hint of sadness in his voice as he spoke.

"I know i wish i could've gone too. we have like 2 weeks left." i sighed.

"how have the songs been coming along?"

"i have most of them recorded or in the process of recording them. I wrote some songs that i think i'm going to add but i still should be done on time."

we continued talking about our days and small random things that came up as time went on.

" i've been walking around new york and there's so much i need to show you some day we should come here during the winter break. i mean new york city during the holidays like there's so much to see." i rambled.

" I was thinking we could be in Monaco for Christmas, maybe new york for new years? we can even throw a little new year's party im sure some of the drivers would love to come." He responded.

"Yes! We could throw the party in my apartment i have a balcony and a fireplace in my living room to keep us all warm. it'll be perfect!"

We spent the rest of the night brainstorming how to decorate the apartment and who we'd invite. It felt nice to get our minds off things and in that moment it didn't feel as though we were thousands of miles apart.


A/N- Hey guys so sorry for the lack of updates! i've been preparing for finals week and it's been pretty stressful but i'm hoping to have more updates out soon :)

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