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Naru smiled when he saw Duke Fredo's face on the magic communication device screen.

Even in human form, Duke Fredo knew that in front of him was his son.

His sweet smile was very similar to his son making him recognize him immediately. It makes Duke Fredo also smile seeing Naru.

- How are you out there?

Duke Fredo asked with longing eyes at his son who had only been away from home a few days.

"I'm fine! It's just that I miss you, dad."

Naru lay his upper body on the table looking at the magic communication tool ball with a smile that looked like he missed his father.

However mature he is, Naru's soul still exists and merges with Kim Rok Soo's soul.

- Why don't you just come home?  I'm here also really miss my beloved son so much.

Duke Fredo touched the magic communication device gently and caressed it as if he was stroking Naru who looked like he also missed him a lot.

Seeing Naru from afar like this made Duke Fredo want to cry because he really wanted to hug Naru.

"No. I still want to play here. Why not you the one coming here, Dad?"

Naru still has to finish the job he started to get the Indestructible Shield.

Duke Fredo smiled gently hearing that.

- Sorry Naru, I don't like the human world. 

Duke Fredo looked like he was forcing a smile.

- But if you're in danger, I'll definitely go right to you immediately just to save you.

But he added with a pure smile. He will do anything to keep Naru safe.

He cannot lose anyone he loves again.

Not for a second time.

Naru just smiled at that.  He couldn't blame Duke Fredo for that because right now, he knew how deeply hated feeling in Duke Fredo's heart to human.

His wife whom he loves, is found dead in the human world and the perpetrators are humans.

Duke Fredo wanted to kill humans considering that.

- But Naru, I see you look healthier than ever.

Duke Fredo could see Naru's facial skin which looked better only through the magic communication tool.

Naru smiles with a warm smile.  He had no intention of telling Duke Fredo what had happened.

With his father's hatred of humans, he couldn't say he was living with humans right now.

"Fresh air is the best medicine."

Naru smiled brightly.  For Kim Rok Soo, lying is not something that is difficult.

But for Duke Fredo who doesn't know this, just thinks Naru is being honest.

- Good then.  Come home anytime you want.

Naru nodded and ended the call.  The magic communication tool is assisted with magic stones, so Naru can make calls even without a magician.

Naru's smile disappeared when he turned off the magic communication device.

He was feeling very strange right now. It's just like, something of playing in his mind.

Naru sighed.

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