12 🦇

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Cale was just lost in thought as he ate as if he didn't want to eat.

"Is the food not delicious nya?"

On asked while tilting her head in confusion.

"Just the atmosphere is a bit, not very pleasant to eat..."

Cale muttered as everyone also looked uninspired because Choi Han was absent at the moment.

The knights became too lazy to train because Choi Han was not there.

Only Hilsman seemed to continue practicing diligently even without Choi Han there.

"I must admit it's been a bit quiet without him here."

Beacrox said that as he placed the perfectly cooked meat on the table.

Beacrox had no one to practice with or spar with because Choi Han tried to help him in the kitchen.

"At first he was a rough boy, but now I think he's a reliable person."

Ron said that as he placed the lemonade tea in front of Cale.

'Wow, how did Choi Han get such good reviews from the Molan duo?'

Naru looked amazed when he didn't care and just continued eating Beacrox's delicious cooking.

"Didn't you say you didn't like Choi Han? Since when did you change your mind?"

Cale laughed at Ron's review when Ron previously kept saying bad things about Choi Han to him.

Ron just smiled kindly and didn't answer, when Cale didn't mind it either.

'That punk knew Cale probably hated him for saying something bad about me but still chose to tell him...'

Willing to be hated for the safety of his loved ones, Ron couldn't say anything bad about Choi Han anymore.

'Why do they all look like they are in their own minds since Choi Han left?'

Naru was confused as he looked around at the warm flowery atmosphere.


'Did they all fall in love with the protagonist!?'

The meat on Naru's fork fell to the ground.

'No way...'

Naru sighed internally. Small children's thoughts are sometimes too random.

Suddenly a horse carriage stopped in their tent area with a symbol of a red snake wrapped around a rock arriving there.

"Who's that?"

Cale asked casually as he didn't care. Hans on the other hand wanted to faint.

Why did Cale never try to remember any of the noble lists he had listed to him!?

"That's Taylor Stan. He's Venion's older brother and has had a paralyzed leg for 4 years-"

Hans' words were stopped when Ron stepped on Hans' foot on purpose.

How could Hans say bad things about Venion when Cale seemed completely comfortable with him?

Venion will be suspicious if Cale suddenly changes his attitude and it could endanger Cale later in the capital.

Who didn't know about Venion's cruelty?

Hans could only groan in pain silently when his foot was stepped on.

Naru gave Ron an internal thumbs-up.

Once the banquet in the capital was over, he could tell Cale, but for now, it was better not to tell him.

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