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"Hey Tae." Beomgyu sat next to Taehyun. "They found the girl who did this but..she might be let go.."

"Hyung tried everything to get her at least a month but they said she has something wrong with her so she might be put somewhere else.." Beomgyu sighed.

"Anyways, it's your birthday today. Hyung would've brought cake but I don't want to eat it all alone.." Beomgyu mumbled. "You're 18 today! A-And you don't have to move out..your mom said so!"

"Everyone at school keep asking about you but they don't get the hint that I don't want to tell them anything." Beomgyu said. "But listen! You're crush asked about you and I wanted to tell him so bad but I couldn't."

Beomgyu sighed. "Me and Hyungs 1 month is tomorrow, if you wake up then you have to help me."

Then Beomgyu stopped talking, turning on the tv.

He couldn't say anything else.


"How is Taehyun?"

Beomgyu sighed. "Leave me alone, I told you many times that it doesn't matter."

"Just tell me how he is!" The guy huffed.

"Didn't you hear him? He said leave him the fuck alone." Yeonjun glared at him.





"Lemme see your homework."

"Again?" Yeonjun smiled.

Beomgyu nodded and Yeonjun got his homework out and gave it to Beomgyu.

"How's Taehyun?"

"He hasn't woken up yet." Beomgyu said.


Beomgyu nodded.


"Hey Tae, spring break started, only a few more weeks until we graduate." Beomgyu smiled. "I really hope you wake up in time to walk the stage with me and Yeonjun Hyung."

Beomgyu sighed a little. "We have a game tomorrow so me and Hyung can't do anything for our one month but it's fine. As long as we're still together and happy I'm sure it's all going to be okay."

"The guy you like keeps asking about you, even asking about your number and what you like, I think he has a crush on you."

"Should I tell him how you are? Wake up if you think I should."

When Taehyun obviously didn't wake up Beomgyu sniffled.

"Please wake up, Tae.."

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