"Yes Byul you can do it!" Beomgyu smiled as Byul stood up.

Yeonjun was behind her, making sure she didn't hurt herself.

She wobbled a little before trying to take a step but she feel.

"It's okay Byul." Beomgyu said, tickling her to distract her from any pain she may have felt.

Byul giggled loudly.

Beomgyu stood up, sighing.


Beomgyu nodded.

"Go to sleep, i'll watch her."

"Are you sure..?"

Yeonjun nodded and smiled.

"Okay, love you."

"Love you."


"What's on your neck?"

Beomgyu looked at his dad while he made Byuls bottle.


"Is that a hickey?" He asked, staring at Beomgyus neck.

"N-No.." Beomgyu mumbled, looking back at the counter.

"I think it is."

"It's not-"

"Don't lie to me."

"I'm not.." Beomgyu mumbled, walking to the living room where Byul was.

Beomgyus dad grabbed Beomgyus shirt and dragged him to the floor.

Beomgyu looked at his dad.

"Don't fucking lie to me."

"Not in front of Byul, dad.." Beomgyu whispered.

"Don't fucking lie to me!!"

Beomgyu flinched and sniffled. "Dad, not in front of Byul.."

Beomgyus dad slapped him.

Beomgyu didn't want Byul to see this.


Beomgyu stared at the wall.

He can't believe his dad did that in front of Byul.

He sniffled.

He couldn't imagine how scared she was.


"It's okay, Hyung.." Beomgyu said when Yeonjun stared at his bruised cheek.

"No, it's not okay." Yeonjun glared at him.


"You can't let him do this anymore."

"I can't control it.." Beomgyu mumbled.

"You can, just..fight back."

"It's not that simple.." Beomgyu frowned.

"It is."


"Here, watvh Byul." Beomgyus mom said, giving Byul to Beomgyu before leaving.

Beomgyu sighed. "Look Hyung, it's fine."

"Why can't you fight for yourself?"

"It's not that simple."

"Man up, Beomgyu, seriously."

Beomgyu looked at Yeonjun. "What do you mean..?"

"Grow a pair and tell your dad to fuck off, you can keep letting him do that to you."

Beomgyu sighed and sat on his bed. "It's not that simple, imagine you were in my shoes..!"

Yeonjun rolled his eyes. "Whatever.."

Beomgyu looked at Byul who was staring at him.

"Hi Byul.." He mumbled, rubbing her cheek.

He heard Yeonjun grab his jacket and keys, walking out the room and Beomgyu just couldn't hold back his tears anymore.

So he started to cry.

Like always.

Like the baby he is apparently.



Beomgyu looked up and saw his mom holding his phone.

"Yeonjun called and texted you, said you're breaking up."

Beomgyus heart dropped. "What..?"

She gave the phone to him and Beomgyu looked at it.

Hyung <3 :
We're breaking up, maybe it was all a mistake.

Suddenly it was like he couldn't breathe.

His stomach hurt, his head hurt, his heart hurt and he didn't want to be around anyone.

Hyung <3 :
It's not you, it's me, what i said earlier was unforgivable and you deserve better.

Beomgyu stared at the text messages then looked at Byul.

How was he going to do it alone?



"Please come back.." Beomgyu sobbed, leaning onto Yeonjun. "Please Hyung, don't break up with me.."


"I forgive what you did, please please don't leave me.." He sobbed.

"Beomgyu." Yeonjun hugged him. "You need be-"

"You can't tell me that..!" Beomgyu said. "I get to choose, and i-i want you..!"

Yeonjun frowned. "I'm not the one you want.."

"You are, you are..!"

"Beomgyu, look at me.."

Beomgyu sniffled and looked at Yeonjun.

"I left you because..im moving away.."

"I don't care about that, i only want you, Hyung..! W-We can do long distance..!"

Yeonjun shook his head.

"Please, d-don't leave, Hyung.."

"I'm sorry, Beomgyu.."


"You need to go.."

Beomgyu shook his head. "Please, please don't leave me.."

"Bye, Beomgyu.."


"What's wrong with you?"

Beomgyu ignored his dad and continued to cry.

"Argument with your boyfriend?"

"He's n-not my boyfriend a-anymore.."

"Oh you guys broke up? Good."

Beomgyu sniffled.

Nobody comforted him.

He missed Yeonjun so much.

He was the only one he truly loved and he just left him.

How was he going to live like this all alone?

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