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After picking up some beautiful flowers like Bella requested they both went home again. But just because Lorenzo noticed how tired Bella had gotten.

She was yawning every minute and answered questions very muffled.

Lorenzo looked over to her side just to find her cuddled up against the door sleeping.

He smiled softly and focused on the road again.

                           ♥*♡∞:。.。  。.。:∞♡*♥

Finally arriving at home, with Bella still asleep, Lorenzo carefully parked his car and got out of it.

He first took all of the groceries and placed them in the kitchen.

Then he quickly walked to the car again.

But what be didn't expect was to see Bella crying and panicking.

He ran over to her, opened the door and took her in his arms.

" Hey, hey, baby whats wrong, hm?"

She just started crying harder and hugged him so tight.

" Shhh, Everything's okay, little baby. It's okay."

She cried a little more but Lorenzo calmed her down.

He knew she didn't want to talk yet so he unbuckled her, picked her up and walked into their home.

Lorenzo took of both of their shoes and walked them to the living room.

Her face was still tucked into his neck so he couldn't see her.

" Little baby, please let me see you."

Bella let out a whine, not wanting to be seen in her state.

Lorenzo accepted that she still needed to calm down a little and rocked her back in forth in his lap.

His left hand came up to her back while his right hand went up to her head to stroke the both.

After a little while Bella had finally calmed down and was ready to face him again.

" Hi, pretty baby."

Even in these kind of situation he never failed to make her blush.

" Hi." She whispered shyly.

Lorenzo smiled softly began rubbing her hips.

" You wanna tell me what happened ?"

Bella nodded her head and took a deep breath.

" I-I thought you l-left me." She put it simple.

It was a scary moment for her to wake up alone in his car after the nap she had.

Bella is the kind of person that needs extra cuddles and attention especially after a nap.

" Oh sweet girl, I would never leave you. You know that, you're my smart baby, no?"

He was blaming himself because he should've known better than to leave her alone in the car.

" I'm sorry about that, preciosa. It won't happen again. I'll always be by your side, you understand?"

She nodded in response.

" Words, little baby." He demanded.

" O-Okay, Lori."

" Good girl."


That's what Bella always feels when he praises her.

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