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After the Devil's House confrontation, I thought all was lost. Morgan had been taken, and the Mad Prince would keep her from me for centuries.

It felt like the war was truly over. The vampires had won, and I was forever doomed to live my days in Thorsbury as the homeless man who liked to pretend he was King.

I had gone home, heart heavy and soul broken. Ranni and Byron were waiting for me back at the cottage. I imagined their disapproving reactions when I told them their gut instinct about Morgan was right. The fox had betrayed us and returned to the Mad Prince. My mate had abandoned me, and my life was no longer worth living.

However, when I came in with my tail between my legs, Sir Glen furiously threw food packets into a backpack.

"The swine took them," he yelled, shoving a packet of ginger nut biscuits into his military backpack. "Goddamn Devil worshipper came and took our women folk."

"What are you prattling on about," I snapped.

"Poppy and Morgan are gone, kidnapped. He took them," Glen explained. "I was out patrolling the woods when suddenly, I saw a shifty fellow creeping through the wood. I took one look at him and thought he was up to no good and so I followed him. I tracked him through the woods to the Devil's House. Morgan and Poppy were lying unconscious in the snow outside the house. The bloody pig picked them up and took them inside. I ran after him, but when I got to the house, he was gone."

"Gone?" I repeated.

"He had vanished into thin air," Glen explained.

Byron rubbed his chin thoughtfully.

"Or maybe he disappeared through a portal," he countered.

"Motherfucker," Ranni snapped. "The bastard must have a portal hidden in that house, and he is using it like a rat to cross from this world to our home world."

I'd collapsed into a chair as it dawned on me that nothing the Mad Prince had told me was true. My mate had not betrayed me; instead, she had been kidnapped from me by those bastard vampires.

Black fury bubbled and raged inside me. The thought of my sweet innocent mate being torn away from me, against her will, tore at my soul.

"My poor Morgan," I exhaled.

"We'll get her back," Byron said, opening a cupboard and pulling out a sword wrapped in a blanket.

"We have to save them, but we have no armour," Ranni said.

Our armour had been one of the first items we had sold when we arrived in this world. We sold it because, in this world, there was no need for it. However, if we go home, then we'd need our armour back.

"We could take the armour suits from the village hall," Glen suggested. "The village hall has three suits of armour displayed in the foyer, next to the food donation box and community notice board. The armour belonged to the first settlers of the village. It's old but still in good condition."

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