meet the characters

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Freya Anna Ross is a polite but quiet girl. She is extremely shy and insecure. Freyas dad was a bit of a drunky and one day her mum had enough and she left the two of them. Her father remarried two years later when Freya was 7.

At first Freya was excited about having a new mum because that ment she wouldn't have to do everything her self but quickly hated the woman and her new older step sister, Rebecca.

Her new sister looked like a model, because she is. She started Modeling when she was 9 and was still doing it two years later when she moved in with Freya. Rebecca helped pay a large potion of the bills so she had the better room, better clothes, better bed. Freyas hobby however, made the family no money,

Freya loved singing and was actually quite good at it. She excelled in English and had even written a few things when she was emotional but didn't dare show her family.

They tried to get Freya in to modeling but it never worked. They limited her food which caused her to become serious underweight, she was forced to run with her step mum, and even dyed her white hair brunette one year, but nothing could hide her yellow eyes.

Everyone bullied her about her weight, hair, or eyes which left her to be a very shy child with tons of insecurities and issues.

She was so excited when she found out she was a witch and would finally be able to get away from her horrible family.


So that's the start of Freyas life so let me tell you more about the future of the story.

First year

Freya got sorted into Hufflepuff.

She still got bullied for her unique qualities a lot which deeply upset her. And you may think it was just the Slytherins that did it but it was actually every house. Mainly from two Gryffindor pranksters.

She only has a few friends which also shared an interest in music which are Daniel Garrison, Louis Cobb, Katelyn Rudolph.

She is very observent of her surroundings and notices a lot of things about everyone and everything. She notices all the short cuts and secret passages, she notices all the secret rooms she probably shouldn't know about, and she notices the room of requirements which turns into a studio for them to practice music in.

Second year

She still hasn't improved her eating habits and her father started getting abusive over the summer after she left to spend time with her three friends. Apparently it was her job to stay home and clean if she couldn't make money for the family.

At school the four of them become friends with Pandora Rosier, who was a year younger and in Ravenclaw.

The bullying continued and so did the music sessions which they had started recording onto their own cassette taps.

Third year

This is where the story will start off. She has a deep cut on her cheek from a beer bottle her father threw. It is still extremely noticeable when she gets on the train and has now faded into a thin, shiny white line.

In this year I won't post much. I'm basically using the year to explain the soul mate thing and also try and show you more about Freyas life.

You can fancast who even you want I don't have the energy to write down all the names I'm just gonna use probably the most common fancasts. Freya will be singing mostly songs from Nessa Barrett in the beginning and Cloudy June near the end. The only reason why she switches is because I want her music to reflect her life and it was to difficult to find one person who sung about what I was looking for.

Underage drinking, attempted suicide, substance abuse, physical abuse, eating disorders, mental illness, self harm. You know, just your typical marauders life.

I made a Playlist of all the songs Freya will sing on Spotify if you want to listen to it.

I made a Playlist of all the songs Freya will sing on Spotify if you want to listen to it

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THIS IS AN INTERACTIVE STORY! At the end of each character there will be a thew question. Please answer them because I would like for you to have a say in the story.

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