The Letters

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Freyas pov

I left the compartment and started searching for my friends. Stupid boys thinking they owned the compartment. Anyone could sit there. Just cause you sat there for the past three years doesn't mean it's yours.

I find Dani, Katie, Louis, and Pandora near the back of the train. "Omg, what happened!" Katelyn yells as I enter the compartment.

"Why did your letters start coming from a different place? Did you move?" Pandora asks next as they move over to make space for me to sit beside them.

"It's a long story" I tell them as I collapse into my spot "Ya and this is a long train ride, bitch spill" Dani tells me and that's exactly what I do.


The first day back is always kind of chaotic. The first years don't know what they're doing or where they are going. Everyone is always tiered because of the late arrival of the night before. And the fourth years and up are usually nervous to get there first or next hint about there soulmate.

As me, Katie, and Pandora made our way towards the great hall with a few lost first years following close behind and all the girls wanted to talk about was boys.

"I kinda hope my soulmate is from Hufflepuff. Hufflepuffs are so kind and easy to talk to" Pandora told us as we turned the corner.

"Really? I would have thought you would want someone from Slytherin, you know, because most of them are pure bloods and it would make your family life so much easier." Katelyn spoke as I looked over my shoulder to make sure we still had the three first years.

Two of them were twins, the girl called Ivory with beautiful long curly hair and a boy called Ashton with a shorter version of her hair. You know the question you ask yourself sometimes. What would I look like if I was the opposite gender. Well they were the perfect example of it.

Beside them also walked their child hood friend, her name is Abbigail. I bet the three of them get confused as triplets a lot because of how similar they look.

I caught Ivorys attention when I turned around so a gave her a small wave which she replied with much more enthusiasm. I giggled slightly before going to turn around until Ashton asked a question.

"I don't mean to eavesdrop but you guys where talking about a soulmate letter, and well, we just had some questions if that's ok"

"Why don't you sit with us for breakfast, we can answer all your questions there" Katie suggested as we enter the great hall.

As we walk towards the Hufflepuff, Remus just seems to spawn beside me "good morning sunshine. I was just wondering if you would want to sit with me and the boys today"

In his dreams.

"Shes sitting with us today, Lupin, so get lost" Katie praticly spat at him as we made our way towards the boys, our three little hufflepuffs following us with huge smiles.

"Well why don't we join you" Sirius said as he walked, more like strut, his way over.

"Mother wouldn't be very happy with you then" Pandora fired back quickly as she sat down letting Abigail slide between her and Daniel.

Katelyn took the spot beside Louis while Ivory and Ashton separated me from the two. "Go sit at your table boys. I don't have to deal with you again till Christmas so leave me alone"

It looks like they have given up but that's probably not it. Those boys don't just give up. They keep trying till they get what they want.

"There is so much food! I don't know what to eat" Ashton said while the three of them goggled at the food.

"Could you just server us today?" Abigail asked as she handed her plate to Katie. My two followed action and after me and Katie had made three healthy breakfast plates for our new friends we all dug in while answer questions.

"Yep we get our letters today. And I think I'm talking for the the whole group that we are all kinda nervous" Louis replied to Ivorys questions.

On cue, owl started flying into the great hall and dropping off letters. We all grabbed our letters and look at each other.

"You should open them on the count of three" Abbey suggests.




I open my envelope and pull out an old looking paper with the ministry stamp on it.

Dear students of Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry.
Your head  master, Albus Dumbledore, has asked that if you have one or more soulmates if you could please report to the  hospital wing. A ministry official will be there to take note of who you are.

Dear Freya Ross
We are delighted to inform you that for your first hint (fourth year) is your soulmate(s) initials.


Good luck finding your soulmate(s)
-Ministry of magic.

Ummm hey guys. It's been a while. I'm actually currently in England visiting family for the first time in 5 years. I'm staying in Writtle if anyone knows where that is.

Should Freya know who her soulmate is straight away or should she have to think about it for a while?

Hope everyone had a lovely Christmas and I'll try to get back to my normal posting schedule soon but when school starts back up again idk what will happen.

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