Hospital Wing

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Dear students of Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry.
Your headmaster, Albus Dumbledore, has asked that if you have one or more soulmates if you could please report to the hospital wing. A ministry official will be there to take note of who you are.

Dear Freya Ross
We are delighted to inform you that for your first hint (fourth year) is your soulmate(s) initials.


It doesn't take a genius to work that out.
J.P~ James Potter
S.B~ Sirius Black
R.L~Remus Lupin
P.P~ Peter Pettigrew

Do you know what does take a genius, to cop with all four of them.

I could be wrong. It's a large school filled with many students with the same initials and I would probably look into it more if it was just one person. The fact that it's all four of them is what makes me confident I got it right.

"Does anyone know who they have yet?" Ashton asks.

"Yep. Tweedle dee, tweedle dumb, tweedle dumber, and tweedle dumbest. Just my luck" I reply as I shove my letter into my school bag.

The three of them stared at me in shock. I mean who wouldn't be surprised, we can't get along. How on earth are we meant to be soulmates when we can't even be in the same room as each other?

"Who's tweedle dee, tweedle dumb, dumber, and dumbest?" Abbey asks.

"Do you see that loud"
"Arrogant group of boys at the Gryffindor table"

All three of them turned around for a second to observe the Gryffindor table before quickly turning back around.

"No way" Ashton gasped at me. "They pranked a Slytherin boy on the train. They're amazing. What's so dumb about them?"

Dani rolled his eyes "Oh boy, we've got a marauders fan on our hand. Enough about them. My soulmate is a year younger than me. In year 3. What about you two?"

Katelyn's eyes quickly flicker to Louis and then down to her plate. "My soulmate is in our year." She quickly puts her letter into her bag, avoiding everyone's eyes.

"Mines in Hufflepuff, it should be easy to find them right?" Louis asks while looking up and down the table.

"Probably. Look guys I'm gonna head to the hospital wing and tell them I have four soulmates. I want to get this done before class starts.

I made my way through the bustling corridors of Hogwarts, my heart pounding with a mix of excitement and apprehension. I can't believe that I  have not one, but four soulmates. The thought of it was both thrilling and overwhelming.

People have enough stress with just one soulmate, but to have four of them, and for them to be the marauders. My life will be so difficult trying to deal with them.
As I reach the hospital wing, I take a deep breath and push open the doors. Inside,I see Mrs Armstrong,waiting with a quill and parchment in hand.

"Ah, Miss Ross," Armstrong greeted me warmly. "I've been expecting you. Please, have a seat."

I take a seat across from Mrs. Armstrong, my mind racing with thoughts.

"I must say, Miss Ross, it's quite unusual to have four soulmates," she  commented, breaking my train of thought. "But I assure you, it's not unheard of"

"Now honey, if you have any concerns or struggles with any of this you just owl me ok. I know this must be tough on you" she tells me as she finishes writing a few things down.

It will definitely be tough, but it could also be fun. I doubt the boys know I'm their soulmate. I bet I can do something with that.

The warning bell rings telling me it time to head to my first class. "Thanks Mrs. Armstrong." I say as I quickly rush out of the hospital wing and into the busy halls of hogwarts.

Sorry this is so short. Sorry it's taken two weeks to post something new. It's gotten very cold where I live and pipes are bursting and I'm back in school so school work is piling up. It's warming up now so I should have less problems.

What would you guys like to see in Freyas fourth year?

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