Just Like Old Times

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"Omg I nearly forgot about this, rumour has it that earlier this week people found out that some pure blood Slytherin boy has a male soulmate. Like what! I feel so bad for him cause mummy and daddy won't be happy with that" Katie said as she plopped another chocolate-covered strawberry in her mouth.

We've spent the past hour or so like this, her talking about all the drama going around the school in the past two weeks while I work on my music. I haven't recorded anything recently so I just have a pile of songs stacking up. The boys said they would come by today though cause they missed playing as well.

"Which song are you gonna do with the boys?" Katie asked. I don't think she ran out of gossip, that's impossible at this school, she's probably gotten bored of it though.

"Hopefully the boys will want to do more than one. I feel like the last time we all practiced together was over the summer-" my thought gets cut off by all of Katelyns excitement about the memory

"Oh my Merlin I remember that day. And Hope sent you the cutest little goody basket filled with delicious treats" Delicious is an understatement. They were the most mouthwatering pastries ever to bless my tongue.

"Yes that was the time with the pastries. I know I want to do the one I wrote when I was in the hospital, I think we practiced it before" I look up at Kate and she's nodding with a big strawberry in her mouth and chocolate dripping off her chin.

I honestly love these moments. When we can just be whoever we want cause no one will judge us. I love and support Kate and the guys as much as they love me.

The boys walk in not long after and we run threw the song a few times before Kate and Louis say we should record it.

"You sure we've practiced enough"

"Oh shut up and sing Freya"

"Ok I think I'm done for the night" My voice feels kinda strained and I don't want to lose it.

"What, but we want to keep practicing" Dani tries to argue but I'm already heading for the door.

"Just practice without me" and I've left.

I don't know where I'm going but I've got a while till curfew. I'm just roaming around the castle.

I consider myself lucky to be here. Yes because of its amazing classes and opportunities but also because of how big and beautiful it is. Even with however many people attending Hogwarts if you wanted to be alone you could probably find somewhere.

Rather than be a small coat cupboard, an abandoned classroom, or a forgotten hallway like the one I stumble upon today. All though it must not be forgotten if Reggie is down here.

"Must be my lucky week Reggie, I get to see you two days in a row"

"Don't call me Reggie" he nearly sounds annoyed but he's stopped walking and is waiting for me to catch up with him so he's fine.

The hallway is empty and dusty as if not even house elves come down here.

"What are you doing down here Regulus?"

"Common room was to noisy" his answer was quick and left no room for debate so I know it's not but that's fine. I would be more worried if he actually told me the truth. That's just who Regulus is.

We walk around for a minute talking about our classes and what they are teaching currently. Talking about the people in our classes that piss us off or we hate, manly because they did better at something then us.

We are very similar, at least when it comes to education. We are ahead of the class in our studies so we always do a little extra in the assignments to show it. And when we are beaten we hate ourselves for it.

The conversation was going great till someone sneezed. "Bless you"

"I didn't sneeze"


Regulus covered my mouth and quickly pushed me round the corner "don't make a sound" he mouthed out to me as he pinned me to the wall. He pocked his head round the corner looking for anyone.

"This never happened ok. This conversation was to risky, don't talk to me unless we can ensure we are alone" and with that he left.

That was just weird.

I start to head back towards my common room but I swear I hear something. I stop and listen for a second before walking across the hallway towards a little closet. The smell of chocolate, smoke, and broom stick wax fills my senses. What an odd combination of smells.

I hear nothing else and I'm not really in the mood for a surprise visit so I quickly leave the hallway only turning to look back once.

Hey guys sorry this is late and I bit short but I really wanted to get it out. I was sick for a week and looking at screens just gave me the biggest headache so I couldn't really write much but I'm better now.  Hope everyone's Easter was amazing.

What should the next chapter be? Any ideas. Does anyone have any questions either?

Stay safe and maybe go get a snack or some water

Love you all

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