Hogwarts Express

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Remus POV

Freya hasn't talked to me since the argument. She's been spending most of her time painting or with my mum. Every time I try to talk to her she finds an excuse to leave or just blankly ignores me and continues talking with my mum.

She wouldn't even let me help her with her trunk while we walked through the station to platform 9 3/4.

"Bye Hope, I'll miss you. I promise to send you a letter once a month and tell you what's going on. I'll be back for Christmas." Freya told my mum as she engulfed her in a hug. My mum whispered something in her ear that I couldn't hear before letting her go and she quickly slipped through the growing crowd and onto the train.

"You be good this year" mum said as she pulled me into a hug next "study hard but not too hard. Tell the boys I love them. And keep an eye out for Freya"

"will do mum" She squeezed me one last time before placing a kiss on my forehead and letting me go.

I climbed onto the train and started heading towards our usual compartment.

"James you don't own this compartment, get out"

"Calm down Freya, I thought we were friends. You were oh so very worried when you thought I was dead."

"I wish you were dead now so I wouldn't have to deal with you. OUT!"

I opened the compartment door to find Freya curled up in the corner with a book in her hands and a blanket over her. James was laid out over the side with his feet popped up on the table.

"We've sat here every year" James told her as he took a bite out of some chocolate.

"Why don't you just sit with us this year Freya." I suggested as I sat down beside her.

She looked like she was thinking it over. You could nearly see the little gears turning in her head as she thought through my offer.

"I'll stay till Peter gets here because I have to give him something." And with that she just ignored us and continued to read as the train started to move.

It didn't take long for the door to be pulled open again and Sirius to walk in and oh my Merlin has he changed. He's grew a few inches both in his height and his hair. His cheek bones looked sharp and his eyes glistened with a spark of mischief as he lent against the door frame. He looked hot and all I want in this minute is his full attention.

As Sirius enters the compartment, I can't help but feel a flutter of excitement in my chest. He's always been attractive, but something about him now is different. He exudes a confidence and charm that is hard to resist. But I push those thoughts aside, reminding myself that I shouldn't be thinking like that.

"Hey, guys," Sirius says, flashing us a mischievous grin as he takes a seat across from Freya. "Ready for another year at Hogwarts?"

James and I exchange glances, both of us unable to contain our excitement. "Definitely," James replies, his enthusiasm evident in his voice.

Freya looks up from her book, her eyes meeting Sirius's for a brief moment before she looks away. There's a tension in the air, and I hate it.

Just as James is about to say something , the compartment door opens once again, revealing Peter Pettigrew. He enters with a sheepish smile, his eyes lighting up as he spots Freya.

"Hey, guys," Peter says, his voice filled with a mix of excitement and nervousness. "Mind if I join you?"

Freya's expression softens as she looks at Peter, and she gestures for him to take a seat beside her. "Of course, Peter. I've got something for you."

She reaches into her bag and pulls out a stack of chocolate frog cards, handing them to Peter with a warm smile. "I collected these over the summer. Thought you might like them."

Peter's eyes widen with delight as he flips through the cards, his gratitude evident on his face. "Thanks, Freya. You're the best."

"It's no problem Pete. This is my queue to leave now though so I'll see you later" Freya said as she got up and grabbed all her stuff, leaving the compartment with no hesitation.

As Peter settles into his seat, usually this is when the compartment feels a little more complete, but it kinda doesn't this year.

As the train continues its journey, the atmosphere in the compartment shifts. James and Sirius start reminiscing about their summer adventures, their laughter filling the air.

I keep stealing glances at Sirius no matter how hard I try not to. But with ever laughing he makes my eye flicker towards him. Every time I feel his leg brush against mine I get this sickening feeling in my stomach and my leg gets tingly.

"Remus," Sirius says, interrupting my thoughts. "You've been quiet. What's on your mind?"

"It's Freya," I lie, my voice barely above a whisper. "She's been distant lately, and I don't know why. We had an argument before coming to Hogwarts, and ever since then, she's been avoiding me."

Sirius looks at me, concern etched on his face. "Have you tried talking to her?"

I nod, a pang of sadness in my chest. "I've tried, but she either ignores me or finds an excuse to leave. I miss her, Sirius. I miss our friendship."

He reaches over and places a hand on my shoulder, offering me a reassuring smile. "Give her some time, Remus. Sometimes people need space to figure things out. But don't give up on her. True friendships are worth fighting for."

It would have been amazing advice if I payed more attention to the words instead of the feelings I had but after he removes his hand from my shoulder I start to understand what he said.

So as the train chugs along, I make a silent promise to myself. I won't let this distance between me and Freya define our friendship. I'll be patient, understanding, and always there for her, just like she's been for me.

And maybe, just maybe, she'll find her way back into this compartment one year by choice and stay with us.

I'm back

Hope your all doing well

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