The Talk

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It wasn't long until we were all sat down around the lupins living room. The four boys had all squished onto a love seat while I curled up into an armchair beside them. The parents had all just settled down after a brief talk in the kitchen.

"So what classes are you talking this year Freya" Mrs. Potter asked me "oh well I'm taking all the basics still Mrs Potter but I've sighed up for ancient runes and arithrmancy"

She looked at me kindly "you picked some difficult classes. Did magical creatures not interest you"

The boys went still for a moment and looked at Remus who was rather blank faced about the whole situation.

Magic creatures was an interesting class. There are millions of creatures out there and so many to still be discovered but that definitely was not gonna be my job. It's not that I was scared of them, I just wasn't as interested in them as I was other things.

"No Mrs. Potter it didn't really. It's not that I don't like the creatures, I just desired education in different topics" Merlin I hope that sounds smart.

I'm currently sat in a room full of smart and successful people who are questioning my education. I probably sound like a totally idiot. If I just keep using longer words maybe it will make me sound smart.

"Call me Euphemia, or Effie. Ever is fine." I questioned if she actually ment that or not. She looked genuine when she said it.

"Do you have any thoughts about any of the creatures. Like per say, werewolves" Mr lupin asked me.

"God no. They don't have much to any control over themselves when it's the full moon. Most of the time they are just a normal human anyways. Nobody should be treated differently over something they can't control. I get treated differently for my hair and it's not jumping of my head to attack people once a month so I would hate to imagine how someone with a condition like that feels"

"Your hair is beautiful darling, nobody should be making fun of you for it, nobody" Hope told me as she glared daggers towards the boys.

"Yes Hope is very correct. Your hair is gorgeous." Mr. Potter told me. Mr. Lupin looked towards the boys momentarily and then back to me. "Freya we have something to tell you. It's really important that this stays a secret, ok" I nodded now slightly nervous about what I had gotten into.

"Remus, do you want to tell her or me?" Remus stare was blank. No sign of emotion of anything. It was kinda scary. "I can do it"

It didn't sound like he could though. His voice cracked slightly when he answered and it was sad watching Remus wipe his face of all emotions. "I'm a- I'm a werewolf" he chocked as the words came out of his mouth but continued on after a second.

"So once a month your gonna go to Pr-James house. It's just for while I transform and we'll pick you up first thing in the morning after." He couldn't look me in my eyes and it hurt.

I could see the pain in Remus's eyes as he struggled to tell me the truth. My heart went out to him, realizing the burden he carried and the fear of rejection he must have felt. But instead of feeling scared or repulsed, I felt a surge of empathy and compassion.

With a little hesitation, I reached out and took Remus's hand in mine, giving it a reassuring squeeze. "Remus, thank you for trusting me with this. I want you to know that I'm here for you, no matter what. You're still the same person I've come to know. We may have had a rocky start but I can see it getting a lot smoother in the further."

The room fell silent as everyone processed what I had just said. Mrs. Potter was the first to break the silence, her voice filled with warmth and understanding. "See Remus, your so hard on yourself, thinking she would hate you after you told her. We do everything we can to support you, and by the sound of it Freya will do the same."

I nodded, feeling a sense of unity and acceptance wash over me. "Of course, Mrs. Potter. Remus was there to help me when I really needed it, and I'll stand by him no matter what.  We all have our struggles, and it's how we face them that defines us."

Mr. Lupin spoke up, his voice filled with gratitude. "Thank you, Freya. Your understanding means the world to us. We've kept Remus's condition a secret for his safety, and we trust that you'll do the same."

I looked around at the Lupin family, the Potters, and the rest of the boys seeing the love and strength that bound them together. "You have my word, Mr. Lupin. Remus's secret is safe with me. And if there's anything I can do to help, please don't hesitate to ask."

"Oh thank Merlin. Did you hear that love" Sirius said as he kissed Remus on his temple. It must have been a normal thing with Sirius because nobody did anything.

Remus finally met my gaze, his chocolate coloured eyes filled with a mix of relief and gratitude. "Thank you, Freya. I'm lucky to have a friend like you."

"Wait where friends now?" James piped up with excitement. He liked like a puppy when you offered it a treat. Bummer I wasn't throwing this dog a bone. "No. Definitely not"

The tension in the room dissipated, replaced by a sense of humor as we all laughed at James over dramatic way of showing how hurt he was. We discussed school for a little longer until it got late and the Potters took the rest of the boys home saying they would see us over the weekend when we went shopping.

"Alright you two, time for bed. Remus if you could show her to her room and give her some of your clothes to wear till the weekend that would be lovely." Hope told us as she started to clean up the glasses scattered thought the room.

"Alright mum, good night. I love you" Remus yelled back as he led me towards the stairs. Upstairs was a small hallway with a bookshelf lining one wall. There where three doors so I assumed one is my bedroom and one is Remus room. The last one was probably a washroom.

"We can go to my room first and you can pick out a few things you'd like to have for a bit." Remus told me as he pushed open the left door.

It looked like what I would have expected his room to look like. His walls where painted an off white but you couldn't see much of it anyways because the walls where lined with bookshelf's. He's bed was made nice and neatly with a fluffy blanket tossed over it.

He walked towards a little closet tucked away in the corner and pulled out some clothes for himself before calling we over and telling me to take whatever I wanted before he left the room.

I chose two sweaters, two pairs of joggers. And a thew shirts. Remus walked back into his room wearing only a pair of grey sweatpants and chucked his extra clothes into the hamper by his door.

"My mum said Dumbledore will send you a package soon. It's just got a few basics, like your wand and stuff. Your room is the door beside us and the washroom is across the hall. I'll be here reading so if you have any problems just knock" Remus said as he stood awkwardly beside his bed.

"Good night Remus" I said as I took the pile of his clothes and headed for my room. "Night Freya"

Ok so it's late again and I'm so sorry. I also don't know how I feel about this chapter. I really like the end though.

What sort of things should Freya get when they go shopping?

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