Soulmate Bond

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The news about Freyas little performance traveled wide and fast around the school, especially after it landed in the Daily Profit.

"Oh merlins beard. Listen to this guys" Pandora said as she sat down next to the Hufflepuffs "Three Hogwarts students performed at the Three Broomsticks. Who are they and where will this take them. Read more about these young teens on page 11."

Page 11 went deep into their past, or at least as deep as they could find, they just made up the rest. Apparently the scar on Freyas cheek is from a young werewolf and not her father.

The Daily Profit is always filled with bullshit.

"Guys it nothing important, we know about our past already. Let's get to class, that ministry lady should be back tonight." Freya said as she tossed the newspaper down the table towards some first years.


"A boggart is a interesting creature because no one knows what it actually looks like, and why is that miss Evans" the DADA teacher asked the young ginger girl.

"Because it looks like what ever you fear the most. Changing to match everyone's fears" Lily answered.

"Corect! Five points to Gryffindor. And does anyone know the spell used against a boggart... No, that's alright. Ridiculous is the spell used to fight a boggart though it doesn't actually kill it, laughter does."

The class was told to practice pronouncing the spell a thew times before they all got in a line and where soon facing their biggest fears.

Sirius was afraid to turn into the child his parents wanted.

James was afraid of losing everyone he loved.

Remus was afraid of his friends getting attacked by a werewolf.

And while Freya was at the back of the line to begin with, it was eventually her turn and she was forced to fight the boggart like the rest of her classmates.

She stepped forward with a tight grip on her wand and her eyes closed, clueless of what she would see.

She slowly opened her eyes to see a werewolf, but not the one everyone pictures. Many picture a killer, attacking people left right and center, but Freyas werewolf wasn't like that. It was hiding in the corner, curled up and whining as it slowly changed into a person huddled into the corner sobbing quietly.

The person was covered in deep cuts that was caused by him attacking himself instead of people. Freyas heart shattered at the sight of the poor boy suffering

Because Freyas biggest fear was people suffering greatly over something they cannot control.


Time passed quickly for the third years as they where all so excited to learn more about soulmates. They all had their essays in hand, Freyas nearly 13 inches long, as they walked up the stairs after dinner towards their class.

Freya sat down with Katelyn and the boys and started to talk about their essays to each other in the last few minutes before class.

"How many soulmates do you guys think you'll have?" Louis asked the group. "None of us are really special. I doubt any of us would get more then one" Katelyn said as she popped a toffee into her mouth before offering one to all her friends.

"I agree with Kate, none of us have any need for two soulmates. What would you even do with that many?" Freya said as she pulled out some parchment and ink, preparing for class.

"People have many holes for a reas- OUCH" Daniel started before Freya slapped him over his head. "Grow up will you." Louis said before they all went quite because class was starting.

"Hello everyone, it's lovely to see you again" Mrs. Armstrong greeted the class as she spelled a stack of books to go around the classroom. "Hope you all finished that essay about multiple soulmates. Please hand that in to me before the end of class and flip to chapter 2 and then turn your attention to the front of the class" She instructed the class.

"Alright now, so hopefully we all know about side effects and what ever. Today we learn about the soulmate bond. This is different from from the side affects of multiple soulmates, although they can sometimes be very different" She started to tell the class.

"A soulmate bond, along with the side effects of having multiple, will become present after you share your first kiss. I know, I know, it sounds just like the fairytale stuff, sleeping beauty was cursed by a witch, guys. Love can do lots of things, it's old magic."

"Now I'm not saying you should go around and just start kissing people. Actually please don't do that! The school would kill me. The kiss has to actually mean something to the both of you. If it's a joke or a game it doesn't do anything. You might have kissed your soulmate before for a dare but you don't have the bond because it never ment anything to either of you"

"After you access the bond though is when the magic starts, quit literally. You'll start to feel what your soulmate feels, both physically and mentally. If your soulmate is extremely sad then you might have a gloomy felling until they get better. If your soulmate gets a bad stinging jinx to the face, your face might hurt a little."

"You'll always be able to feel their presence in a room and also crave to be close to them. Cuts and offer small injuries heal faster when your together. There are many things that could happen because not everyone is the same. The book can tell you lots about it though. If you read chapters 2 till 5 and write another essay on it that would be lovely. I'm here if you have any questions we will be doing this till the end of class. Make sure you essay from last day is handed in before the end of the block please" Mrs Armstrong finished her lesson before sitting down and starting to look through some of the essays already handed in.

Every one has a soulmate bond but how to we achieve that special bond? What could that bond look like? Everyone's different which means the bond between one relationship might be different then another. Common things in a bond is shared emotions and feelings. If your significant other is extremely happy then you also might feel happy.

You will probably crave their affection and present through the day if you haven't seen them recently and you'll also be able to sense their presence in a room.

It has been know for injuries to heal faster when your soulmate is around or for physical pain to be shared. Strong emotions can also be shared between soulmates as well...

They continued reading for the rest of the class and writing notes down on their parchment until the bell rang and the group of Hufflepuffs went back to their dorm to enjoy the last thew hours before the would go to sleep.

I kinda hate this chapter but I hope you enjoy it.

Should I do a kitchen scene next?
If yes, should the marauders show up?

I'm staying home sick today so I'll be posting stuff to keep me busy.

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